"Purge Tournament Hands w/ no Summaries loaded" option

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"Purge Tournament Hands w/ no Summaries loaded" option

Postby JesseW316 » Tue Dec 16, 2008 8:13 pm

I have a lot of hands in my database that are from tournaments I've played in the past, I don't want these hands or any remnants from these tournaments left in there, but there isn't/I'm not seeing a "Purge all hands w/ no corresponding summaries" option in the Database-->Database Management-->Purge window. In fact, none of these hands even come up in that window, I'm assuming because they don't qualify as cash game hands and also aren't associated with any tournaments.

I'd like to get rid of them but don't see any way to do it.
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Re: "Purge Tournament Hands w/ no Summaries loaded" option

Postby kraada » Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:14 pm

What you should do is find the tournaments that don't have summaries via the Tournament --> Enter Summaries area, then purge all data from those tournaments via the Selective Purge area. Unfortunately there isn't an easy button to click to purge all tournaments that lack summaries.
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Re: "Purge Tournament Hands w/ no Summaries loaded" option

Postby JesseW316 » Wed Dec 17, 2008 2:17 am

I tried that, and no tournaments are showing up that don't need summaries. When I go to the Texas Holdem--->Tournaments--->Hands tab, it shows that I have 64,128 hands loaded, ranging back to as early as February. However, going to the tournaments tab or the winnings tab only shows tournaments from the past few weeks (the ones I've loaded summaries for and want to keep). I just want to get rid of those hands that seem to only show up in that one tab. The cash game tab is empty as I've loaded no cash hands.
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Re: "Purge Tournament Hands w/ no Summaries loaded" option

Postby kraada » Wed Dec 17, 2008 10:39 am

Database --> Database Management --> Click on your Database --> Purge --> Tournaments Tab and click on Start Time to sort by starting date. Click on the first tournament you want to purge, hold down the shift key, click on the last tournament you want to purge, then click "Purge Selected".
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Re: "Purge Tournament Hands w/ no Summaries loaded" option

Postby JesseW316 » Wed Dec 17, 2008 8:36 pm

That's what I'm saying, the only tournaments showing up in that tab are the ones I want to keep (since 11/26). However, there are still 64k hands somewhere that I don't want anymore and can't find anywhere to purge them.
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Re: "Purge Tournament Hands w/ no Summaries loaded" option

Postby kraada » Thu Dec 18, 2008 10:26 am

I didn't know that could happen.

Please create a support request and in it include a reference to this thread and screenshots showing how the hands come up in the one window but they aren't available in the purge menu and we'll look into what could be causing that for you and getting it fixed.
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Re: "Purge Tournament Hands w/ no Summaries loaded" option

Postby kraada » Fri Dec 19, 2008 10:39 am

Thanks we'll look into it and get back to you in the ticket.
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