How To: Advanced HUD Configuration

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How To: Advanced HUD Configuration

Postby raster846 » Sun Dec 21, 2008 10:25 pm

Hi, I was in the FAQ forum and tried to follow Kraada's tutorial. I downloaded the file. And have questions.
1. Do you have to import each stat, 1 at a time. 2. If you have 2 db's, do you have to import the stats into each db?

I verified that all the stats were imported into my main db. I copied the layouts.pt3 to C:\Program files\pokertracker3\data.

performed housekeeping. Closed and opened PT3 and open FTP. Got into a cash game and here is what the layout looks like. I attached a word doc w/ screenscrape of layout.

The big gray rectangle says "Unknown token encountered #FOLD"
No stats are displaying, only 2 grey boxes and nothing for the hero.
Stats are not updating in the popup boxes as nobody has any WTSD or W$SD stats.

Any help or suggestions?
Guess I don't know how to attach a picture.
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Re: How To: Advanced HUD Configuration

Postby WhiteRider » Mon Dec 22, 2008 8:23 am

You need to copy the layouts.pt3 file in while PT3 is NOT running.
Were all the new stats still there after you restarted PT3?
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Re: How To: Advanced HUD Configuration

Postby kraada » Mon Dec 22, 2008 11:52 am

That means you didn't import all of the stats. You do need to import each one one at a time; unfortunately there's no faster way to do it at this point. You can check to make sure they're all there in the configure statistics window and once they're all there you need to update the cache, then everything should work properly.
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Re: How To: Advanced HUD Configuration

Postby raster846 » Mon Dec 22, 2008 12:43 pm

You didn't answer my questions. 1. Do you have to import each stat, 1 at a time. 2. If you have 2 db's, do you have to import the stats into each db?

I copied the file layouts.pt3 while PT3 and FTP was closed. I am still getting a blank gray rectangle for the General Stats group, no stats are displaying. The General Stats Popup Group is displaying only the text. Postflop Stats Group is blank gray rectangle with no stats displaying. The Postflop Stats Popup Group is displaying text and the stats are being updated. The hands/notes group is displaying a gray rectangle with message "Unknown Token encountered #FOLD". The popup group displays the "Reads on playername" message. Still have no stats for hero.

How do I add a screen print to this message?

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Re: How To: Advanced HUD Configuration

Postby raster846 » Mon Dec 22, 2008 12:46 pm

Sorry Kraada, I was composing my reply and you must have posted your answer. I'm pretty sure I imported all of the stats from the file. I will double check them again. Do I have to import them into the observed hands db as well?

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Re: How To: Advanced HUD Configuration

Postby raster846 » Mon Dec 22, 2008 1:40 pm

Well, you were right. I was missing about 90% of the stats. I guess I forgot to APPLY them after import. I re-entered all the stats, applied and saved them and ran housekeeping.

I entered a cash game on FTP and have played about 25 hands and now have no HUD at all. I stopped HUD and restarted the HUD and still no HUD display. The HUD log, last line is:[Hud Main][WindowUpdaterServer] Item needs refreshing...

Any ideas?

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Re: How To: Advanced HUD Configuration

Postby raster846 » Mon Dec 22, 2008 2:27 pm

Good news!

I answered my own question about importing the stats into each db. Only have to import once and all DB's get the stats. Also I re-did the housekeeping for all DB's.

I now have a layout that looks like the advanced HUD layout.

One remaining question that I have is when do they stats with X's get replaced with actual numbers?

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Re: How To: Advanced HUD Configuration

Postby kraada » Mon Dec 22, 2008 3:13 pm

They're at Xes until you have either 5 or 10 opportunities for the stat in question (mostly 10). The idea is to not give you data that's based on super small sample sizes. An attempt to steal of 100% for 2/2 is almost useless imho, but 10/10 tells you a lot more.
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Re: How To: Advanced HUD Configuration

Postby raster846 » Mon Dec 22, 2008 7:47 pm

Kraada, Thanks for a great HUD layout.

Could you elaborate a little on the different colors? For example, some players use red = eagle, orange = fish, and blue = maniac. Is there any significance to your color scheme?
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Re: How To: Advanced HUD Configuration

Postby raster846 » Mon Dec 22, 2008 8:13 pm

I'm wondering if I downloaded the right files. I used the at the end of the topic.

In the general group, I was missing the third stat on the HUD display. Under configure HUD-cash, the statistic was 3bet-colored. I changed it to 3bet-Preflop NvBS-colored. And it is now displaying.

Also the X's don't disappear until after 30 hands. I thought I read in your topic that these had been changed to 5 or 10 hands instead of 30.
What about the FoldtoSteal stat?

Can you confirm for me that LAYOUT.ZIP is the latest and greatest file?
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