3bet stat for PLO

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3bet stat for PLO

Postby jwc529 » Wed Dec 24, 2008 4:06 pm

I believe I have the logic worked out using current PTO stats, but there is no place to display it using a HUD. Right now I replaced the limp-reraise stat in PTO since its kind of useless
but to see a certain players stat I need general info -> more detailed in PTO. here is the query I'm using though, so if you could add limp reraise as a possible stat on table that would be great.

UPDATE "game_players"
SET "limp_call_reraise_pf" = 1
from hand_histories, game, players, game_level
pre_flop_bet >= game_level_big_bet * 8
AND raised_first_pf = 0 AND praise >= 1 AND pcall = 0
AND (ppossible_actions = 1 OR praise >=2)
AND hand_histories.game_number = game.game_number
AND game.game_id = game_players.game_id
AND game_players.player_id = players.player_id
AND game.game_level_id = game_level.game_level_id
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Joined: Wed Dec 24, 2008 4:00 pm

Re: 3bet stat for PLO

Postby WhiteRider » Thu Dec 25, 2008 5:59 am

I do not think any new functionality like this will be added to PAH now - re-raise stats are included in PT3 (and its HUD) and will be supported when Omaha is added.
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