by kraada » Wed Dec 24, 2008 12:00 pm
I'm a bit confused as to what's going on for you: if the stats are in the wrong location you can move them to the right location by right clicking and dragging them and then click PT Icon --> Save Layout and they'll appear in the same spot in the future.
If you want to have all stats displayed for all sizes of the table, click PT Icon --> Configure Statistics and go to the Hud Options tab and change the "Player Ranges" just to be 2 to 10. Whatever the players at the table are within the player range it shows stats from all hands within the range you have set. Most people prefer to only show full ring hands when at a full table and only 5 or 6 handed stats when 5 or 6 handed, hence the default setup. But you can set it there to whatever you would like.