beta 24 hud not showing hero stats

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Re: beta 24 hud not showing hero stats

Postby Wild12000PT » Fri Jan 23, 2009 2:40 pm

same problem after downloading and reinstalling beta 24 second version
log files attached to ticket 47891
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Re: beta 24 hud not showing hero stats

Postby Wild12000PT » Fri Jan 23, 2009 3:15 pm

Could a PT support person please tell me if it is ok to revert to BETA 23 as described in an earlier message in this thread?
Are there any negative consequences of going backward from BETA 24 (version 2) to BETA 23?
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Re: beta 24 hud not showing hero stats

Postby kraada » Fri Jan 23, 2009 3:57 pm

There should not be any negative consequences of reverting to Beta 23.
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Re: beta 24 hud not showing hero stats

Postby TrayRacer » Sat Jan 24, 2009 12:27 pm

The second update of Beta 24 seemed to fix the problem for me as well. Thank you for the quick update.

I do have 2 related questions though. Anticipating the problem to continue, I enabled the logging so I could forward the results. When the problem appeared to be fixed, I turned logging back off, but I noticed that the PokerTrackerHud.log was still being generated all the time. Is this intended, or is there another way to turn off HUD logging?

Second, upon browsing the PokerTrackerHud.log, I noticed that you seem to be *constantly* querying the DB for all player notes, that in my case have not changed:

    [Hud Main][WindowUpdaterServer] Item needs refreshing...
    [00015556][TableItemServerNoteEditor] Setting notes for player EachPlayer

I suppose this isn't actually a question, and I could easily be wrong here, but seems like this could possibly be an unnecessary performance hit.

Thanks for the great job,
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Re: beta 24 hud not showing hero stats

Postby kraada » Sat Jan 24, 2009 12:35 pm

I believe the PokerTrackerHud.log is written regardless, but there shouldn't be any noticible performance hit there.

I see what you're saying about the notes in the log, but I'm not sure how much of a hit there is as a result or if this is intended performance (I'm not involved with the actual programming), but one reason it might be intended is that when you write notes they aren't tied to the actual hand in any way, just the database, so if there's a change in the notes, nothing happens in the hand or otherwise to tell the HUD "hey there's a new note", so there need to be at least periodic checks to see if there's a new note to change the color of the note icon.
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Re: beta 24 hud not showing hero stats

Postby TrayRacer » Sat Jan 24, 2009 12:50 pm

Fair enough; I just wanted to make sure nothing slipped through the cracks!

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Re: beta 24 hud not showing hero stats

Postby Godern Blue » Sat Jan 24, 2009 6:12 pm

Hi all,

The new(ish) Beta24 fixed the appearance of Hero Stats in the HUD, however it seems that there is still something funky going on as the Default Pop-Up isn't populating - all the entries are there, but where numbers (or even name) would be there is simply blank space.

Has anyone else encountered this? It is only for Hero, all the Villains pop-ups are working fine, including the default.

Thanks in advance!
Godern Blue
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Re: beta 24 hud not showing hero stats

Postby WhiteRider » Sat Jan 24, 2009 7:04 pm

Godern Blue wrote:Hi all,

The new(ish) Beta24 fixed the appearance of Hero Stats in the HUD, however it seems that there is still something funky going on as the Default Pop-Up isn't populating - all the entries are there, but where numbers (or even name) would be there is simply blank space.

Has anyone else encountered this? It is only for Hero, all the Villains pop-ups are working fine, including the default.

Have you run housekeeping to update the cache and make sure the stats can be retrieved as quickly as possible?
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Re: beta 24 hud not showing hero stats

Postby Josh » Sun Jan 25, 2009 4:08 pm

Anyone still having problems, please try this version:

Beta 24.2

Let us know if your problems continue with this version.
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Re: beta 24 hud not showing hero stats

Postby Godern Blue » Sun Jan 25, 2009 7:06 pm

@White Rider - :oops: I hadn't actually done the housekeeping... but it didn't get better after I did :( Good tip though, thanks!

@Josh - installed 24.2, and did housekeeping - Hero pop-ups still not populating - tried with default, and with custom pop-ups. They seem to be working fine for all the bad guys though.

Let me know if there is anything I can do to help pinpoint this little bug.
Godern Blue
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