[listog5]New filter system
Basic export functionality
Options: "My Day Starts At" and "Filter Player List"[/list:uog5]
[listog5]CTRL+A Select All for hand history text[/list:uog5]
[listog5]Various stat definition issues
Issue with aliases and sessions being assigned the wrong site
Potential startup infinite loop
Some minor import accuracy issues[/list:uog5]
Obviously the biggest change in this beta is the new filter system. It is much more powerful and easy to use than the last version. The way you activate filters is a little different than last time, as it requires a few more steps. To activate a filter, open the filter dialog. Select/configure the filters you want to use, then click on the "Add Selected to Filters" button. This will transfer all the filters you selected to the list on the right. Once the filters are in the list, you can 'AND' them, or you can 'OR' them, or you can 'NOT' them using the appropriate buttons. Once everything is configured to your liking, click the "Apply" button and your filters will be applied to the tab. [bog5]The filter list is not complete.[/bog5] I wanted to emphasis that. The list of filters you see is just the beginning. We will be adding more filters as we go, just as we will be adding more stats as we go. If you want a certain filter, make a request in our [url=]Feature Requests forum[/urlog5].
There are a few new options in the Settings for you to use. The "My Day Starts At" option allows you to logically organize your sessions. For example, if you regularly play from 10 pm - 2 am, your day shouldn't start at midnight, but rather, some time after 2 am. Setting it to, say, 7 am, will ensure that all your sessions do not span multiple days and cause problems and confusion with filters and the Winnings tab. The "Filter Player List" option lets you decide if whatever filter you are using is applied to the player list. Having this option set ensures that any player in list will have hands shown when you select them, but filtering this list can be slow if you have a large database.
If this beta doesn't have any major problems, the next beta should have the initial (rough) version of the HUD. Please do not be expecting a fully featured HUD. We're sticking with our "build a solid foundation" philosophy. The initial HUD release will be just the basics, and once that gets stabilized, we'll be adding more features quickly. This idea of building off a solid foundation has enabled us to add major features pretty quickly (custom stats/reports, completely overhauled filter system) and with few problems.