kraada wrote:Legalizeit:
Please enable logging (Configure --> Options --> Logging Enabled and restart PT3) and bring that report up, then attach the C:\Program Files\PokerTracker 3\PokerTracker.log file to a
support ticket and we'll look into what could be causing this for you. My initial guess would be a custom stat that is causing problems after it was cached or database corruption, but I couldn't be certain until I saw the complete error message.
Thanks for your support.
Kraada, my main problem is the extreamly slow import and housekeeping after the upgrade to build 4.
To my best recollection I have no customized stats.
I have 10 databases, checked 5 of them, the error message is from 1 database so far, but again, this is not my main concern, the "freezing" and extreamly slow import and housekeeping is, which occurs when running any of the 10 databases.
I just ordered a new disk controller card and a fast disk.
Will export/import everything, reinstall postgres and housekeep the lot, that will most probably solve the problem.
I could be wrong, but I think something happened between beta 23 and build 4 that caused this problem.