Attn: Vista Users Installing PostgreSQL 8.3

PostgreSQL is the database server used to store information. Do you have a question or are you having problem with PostgreSQL? If so, post them here.

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Re: Attn: Vista Users Installing PostgreSQL 8.3

Postby Shreddi » Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:21 pm

Does Postgresql run resident at all times or ONLY when poker tracker is started? Im sure you can understand concerns with run resident programs and their possible conflicts with other applications not to mention unnecessary overhead forced on your system. Thanks very much.
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Re: Attn: Vista Users Installing PostgreSQL 8.3

Postby kraada » Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:38 pm

PostgreSQL shouldn't be conflicting with anything else, but if you'd like to stop it, when PT3 is closed, click Start --> Programs --> PostgreSQL --> Stop Services and it'll stop.
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Re: Attn: Vista Users Installing PostgreSQL 8.3

Postby Dobermann83 » Sun Mar 01, 2009 11:06 am

I'm having problems with the 'connection'.
It says:

PokerTracker was unable to connect to any PostgreSQL databases.
Please make sure you have PostgreSQL running.
Please see this forum post for more information.

So I've read the forum post and completed the steps.

I'm using Vista
I'm administrator
SQL is running
I've unchecked the UAC
I've uninstalled and reinstalled SQL using the step by step from this site.

After doing this I wanted to install the Beta 25 upgrade, but I've read that you have to get the version without SQL, but I don't see that 'option' anywhere.
And when I try to install the upgrade it also gives an error..

"error opening file for writing
C:/Program Files/Pokertracker 3/Pokertracker.exe"
Then I have the options: abort, skip, ignore

What to do?
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Re: Attn: Vista Users Installing PostgreSQL 8.3

Postby kraada » Sun Mar 01, 2009 1:01 pm

Use the "Upgrade" version, and make sure you have PT3 closed first; the error opening file for writing means that PT3 (or a PT3 window, like the "update available" window) is still open, and thus the installer can't overwrite the files in question.

Are you using a firewall of some kind? If so, please try disabling it and see if that helps.
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Re: Attn: Vista Users Installing PostgreSQL 8.3

Postby Dobermann83 » Sun Mar 01, 2009 2:38 pm

kraada wrote:Use the "Upgrade" version, and make sure you have PT3 closed first; the error opening file for writing means that PT3 (or a PT3 window, like the "update available" window) is still open, and thus the installer can't overwrite the files in question.

Are you using a firewall of some kind? If so, please try disabling it and see if that helps.

Oke thanks!
The upgrade is now oke, but I'm still getting the message:

PokerTracker was unable to connect to any PostgreSQL databases.
Please make sure you have PostgreSQL running.
Please see this forum post for more information.
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Re: Attn: Vista Users Installing PostgreSQL 8.3

Postby kraada » Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:53 pm

Press ctrl+alt+del and click Task Manager, do you see any postgres processes on the Processes tab? If not, click Start --> Programs --> PostgreSQL --> Start Services and that should start the PostgreSQL server for you.
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Re: Attn: Vista Users Installing PostgreSQL 8.3

Postby Brandal » Sun Mar 15, 2009 1:43 pm

PostgreSQL worked earlier on my computer, but I have recently "cleaned up" my computer and uninstalled some applications. When I tried PostrgreSQL, the application was fully functioning, but gave me the (0x0000274D/10061) error.

So I totally unistalled the prior version and user of PostgreSQL. I am Running as Admin on WinVista and have deactivated UAC.
"Sucessfully" installed the latest version, and ODBC, but I still cannot connect to databases due to the "could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061) Is the server running on host "" and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?"
When pressing Ctrl+Shift+Esc I see 6 postgres.exe running.
Also tried to delete, didn't find this file, found a postmaster.opts haven't deleted this.
I am only using Avast, and have deactivated Windows firewall. Have Exluded port 5432 and the entire C:\program files\postgresql.. from the scanning so don't think that's the problem.
Without having a clue really, I am suspecting I have deactivated some services, had to go to services.msc and reactivate Secondary Logon in order to reinstall PostgreSQL.
Last edited by Brandal on Sun Mar 15, 2009 1:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Attn: Vista Users Installing PostgreSQL 8.3

Postby Brandal » Sun Mar 15, 2009 1:50 pm

double posting
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Re: Attn: Vista Users Installing PostgreSQL 8.3

Postby Brandal » Sun Mar 15, 2009 2:20 pm

I installed PostgreSQL from here (the And when I go to services.msc I find PostgreSQL Database Server 8.3, Started and starting Automatic.
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Re: Attn: Vista Users Installing PostgreSQL 8.3

Postby kraada » Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:15 am

If you click Start --> Programs --> PostgreSQL --> psql to 'postgres' does it connect? Type \l and hit enter and see if it lists your databases.
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