When you install PT3 with postgresql and later decide to reinstall postgresql (because of an error or something) it always ends in a faulty installation for me. I reinstalled postgresql and everytime there is a duplicate error there is a constraint error and the database goes into a loop. I used http://www.pokertracker.com/products/PT ... greSQL.pdf to reinstall postgresql.
PT3 is designed to work with PostgreSQL in English; installing not in English can cause problems. The version bundled with PT3 doesn't give you the option to change the language, so that's likely what happened here.
lol, i knew you would point that out but i also tried the english version and there i had the same error. i only had that old log file where postgresql was in german.
everything is working fine. this post was just a warning to the other users that there could be problems regarding the guide and that postgresql version.