Advanced Hud Config for Tourney's

Forum for users that want to write their own custom queries against the PT database either via the Structured Query Language (SQL) or using the PT3 custom stats/reports interface.

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Re: Advanced Hud Config for Tourney's

Postby Kotiao » Mon Feb 02, 2009 10:07 am

Ty wery much!
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Re: Advanced Hud Config for Tourney's

Postby Hextall » Wed Feb 04, 2009 11:16 am


Thanks for uploading your Hud. I did a few modifications, just swapping out some stats, and getting rid of the X.

Quick question to anyone... can I not have a group that is just the notes editor? I need a stat along with it (I threw in Hands to make it show up).
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Re: Advanced Hud Config for Tourney's

Postby kraada » Wed Feb 04, 2009 11:20 am

You need a stat along with it; I've mentioned this bug to our development team but it isn't the highest priority at the moment so it will likely be a while before it gets fixed.
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Re: Advanced Hud Config for Tourney's

Postby sookmctourie » Sun Feb 15, 2009 1:32 pm

sookmctourie wrote:I was definitely not aware of this. I knew that amt_before was the stack size of the previous hand, but I thought that was after all the action of previous hand . Therefore, stack size of previous hand = starting stack size of new hand. So you are saying kraada, that this is not the case. So a work around would definitely need to be put in place in order for the mzone stat to be current in the HUD. Glad we got a good man working on this. :D

In the meantime, I have uploaded my Report to the Repository, that allows players to run the report during a trny, which will give them an accurate M for the previous hand. I keep the report open and re-run it when I want an idea of my M in the current trny. If I have multiple trny's listed for that day, I double click the one I'm playing in order to get the data output for the current trny. Not sure when it will become available. Its been close to a week though.

I want to revisit this issue with some new info. So if I understand you Kraada, my starting stack from hand A is 1500. During the course of the hand, I lose 100. At the end of the hand I have a stack of 1400. If I run my mzone report for hand B, the mzone stat would use 1500 as the amt_before, rather than 1400. Here is where my confusion is. During the course of a trny, I can at any time, work out my mzone. I simply divide my current stack size at the start of a hand by the total blinds and antes (where applicable). I now have an accurate ratio of my stack size to the blinds and antes. If I use the mzone stat, which is using amt_before (being 1500) for hand B, I would get a different M than if I had calculated this out in my head. But in fact, the stat is giving me the correct M. I know this because when I run my mzone report and go into the Hand Replayer to do the manual calculations, I get the same M.

What am I missing?
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Re: Advanced Hud Config for Tourney's

Postby WhiteRider » Sun Feb 15, 2009 2:14 pm

If you lose 100 during hand A, then your starting stack (amt_before) for hand B is 1400. It is the amount in your stack before you start playing a specific hand. It has nothing to do with the previous hand - each hand is imported individually.
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Re: Advanced Hud Config for Tourney's

Postby sookmctourie » Sun Feb 15, 2009 2:28 pm

WhiteRider wrote:If you lose 100 during hand A, then your starting stack (amt_before) for hand B is 1400. It is the amount in your stack before you start playing a specific hand. It has nothing to do with the previous hand - each hand is imported individually.

Doesn't this contradict what Kraada wrote "That would display your starting stack from your previous hand.

amt_before is the stack at the start of the hand that is imported, so after hand A is imported, hand B starts, and amt_before is the starting stack of hand A." ?
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Re: Advanced Hud Config for Tourney's

Postby WhiteRider » Sun Feb 15, 2009 2:50 pm

Yes, I guess it does - I'm sure Kraada's reply was a typo.

All database fields about specific hands refer to that one specific hand - none are tied to any other hands.
If you import one single tournament hand, that would have an amt_before - and that can only apply to that hand.

Your stat is giving the correct value because this is the only logical answer.
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Re: Advanced Hud Config for Tourney's

Postby sookmctourie » Sun Feb 15, 2009 2:56 pm

WhiteRider wrote:Yes, I guess it does - I'm sure Kraada's reply was a typo.

All database fields about specific hands refer to that one specific hand - none are tied to any other hands.
If you import one single tournament hand, that would have an amt_before - and that can only apply to that hand.

Your stat is giving the correct value because this is the only logical answer.

Thank you for the clarification
I was concerned that the mzone report that I posted in the Repository was giving others the wrong info. It would seem now that it's not.
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Re: Advanced Hud Config for Tourney's

Postby WhiteRider » Sun Feb 15, 2009 2:58 pm

No problem - glad I could clear it up for you.
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Re: Advanced Hud Config for Tourney's

Postby foldyhawn » Tue Mar 03, 2009 5:49 am

Just came across this post trying to work out how to create an M stat, seems i should look any further. So downloaded the stats from the link in the previous post. Installed the stats, including mzone. However i do not get it to be available in my hud stats selection list, the other ones are ... (so i got like 20 stats, 19 working and the one i was looking for not, bummer).

So what could be the problem here? Its in the configure stats, it's in the tourney player group, columns there, stats there, validating and all, but just not selectable as a stat in my hud config.

Thanks in advance if somebody could shed a light on this!
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