Beta 25 Released

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Re: Beta 25 Released

Postby WhiteRider » Sun Feb 22, 2009 12:21 pm

keso26 wrote:1. I would like to arange for example total AF/flopAF/turnAF/riverAF stats to the one line without big space between first and second stat number in the pop-up, but is not possible to do that. I tried to alignment it to the left, center, right and different combinations of these options, but I cant achieve the result as on the adjust second picture.


Are you using 'Grid' or 'Normal' for the group type?
Grid will arrange everything in columns so that if you have a wide piece of data (like "Fold To Continuation Bet" text) then the whole column will be that wide. Check that the Suffix and Prefix fields for all your stats don't have extra spaces in them as that will affect the width of your columns too.

2.On the Configure Hud window, If I double click on some stat on the middle of the list of stats and remove it, I would like to stand on the next line/stat. At this time I will be move to the up (first stat) and have to find again the position of the stats I want to edit.

I've already requested this myself and I hope it will be included in the next release. It's annoying, but hopefully the fact that you can now insert new stats at the correct place rather than them always be appended to the end of the list makes things easier.

3.Hope you understood my crazy english :lol:

Yep! :)
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Re: Beta 25 Released

Postby sneds » Sun Feb 22, 2009 2:47 pm

sneds wrote:OK great, how long are we looking at to sort the servers?

Do we know when the TableTracker Servers will be ready for Pacific Poker yet?
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Re: Beta 25 Released

Postby WhiteRider » Sun Feb 22, 2009 3:08 pm

Sorry, I don't know yet. I will see if I can get an estimate.
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Re: Beta 25 Released

Postby keso26 » Sun Feb 22, 2009 3:39 pm

Thank you for your quick reply WhiteRider. I understand now, how the "Grid" type works :) On first picture as you can see, I tried to reduce the data alittle bit and on the second one I used the "normal" style. These results are the best from both styles I did achieve, but Im looking for something between :) shortly the text aligned to the left and stat numbers to the right :) ..On the other side, you helped me alot, ty so much, I will use the first one (is abit comprendious) I think so.

I have two more questions :

1.Im playing 6max on Party and using the "prefered seat" option, but I have to everytime I sit to the table click on the "treat as 6max" to arange the stats to the right place. Is possible to insert the "auto treat as 6max" checkbox to the PT3 ?

2.I would like to have by the stat of number the ratio information in how many cases the opponent did this action (for example 3bet 10 (1/10) and so on) as you can see on "Donk flop" stat on my picture which I downloaded and add to PT3.

Thank you so much for yor answer.

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Re: Beta 25 Released

Postby WhiteRider » Sun Feb 22, 2009 3:49 pm

I'm afraid that's the best you can do for now - we've requested the option to make some cells or rows work like "normal" in the middle of a grid layout, but I don't expect this to happen any time soon.

1. On the Auto Import tab, enable the Adjust Qualifying Tables Limits option, then the hands will be recognized as 6-max as they are imported.

2. There is no way to do this by default for all stats, but you can build custom stats to show information like that. This post explains.
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Re: Beta 25 Released

Postby ChromaKey » Tue Feb 24, 2009 8:08 am

re: FTP Invalid Pot Sizes - do i have to re-import all the hands that failed this message to sort it out properly?
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Re: Beta 25 Released

Postby Asic » Tue Feb 24, 2009 11:36 am


First of all, nice work with the new Beta 25.. great work..

I got a problem with import hands from Percific...
I cant locate the file with my handhistory from Percific... I even cant see how I can save my handhistory...

In pokertracker 3 i got this message: 2009/02/24 16:19:10: Unable to launch auto-import for site: Pacific Poker. Reason: Pacific auto-importer needs configured.

With the other pokersites i just found my saved handhistory on my conputer and directory it to PT3 and it work without any problems..

Anyone there can help me please?
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Re: Beta 25 Released

Postby kraada » Tue Feb 24, 2009 2:59 pm

ChromaKey wrote:re: FTP Invalid Pot Sizes - do i have to re-import all the hands that failed this message to sort it out properly?

Yes, those hands weren't imported the first time around as a result of the inconsistency, and so you'd need to reimport them in order to get them into the database.

Asic wrote:Hello...

First of all, nice work with the new Beta 25.. great work..

I got a problem with import hands from Percific...
I cant locate the file with my handhistory from Percific... I even cant see how I can save my handhistory...

In pokertracker 3 i got this message: 2009/02/24 16:19:10: Unable to launch auto-import for site: Pacific Poker. Reason: Pacific auto-importer needs configured.

With the other pokersites i just found my saved handhistory on my conputer and directory it to PT3 and it work without any problems..

Anyone there can help me please?

For the moment you need a Pacific handgrabber. I believe this one works well. Pacific will be releasing updated software in a few weeks that will save hand histories to your computer and once it does that, we will be able to import them, as wel.
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Re: Beta 25 Released

Postby Mr_L_Fugazi » Tue Feb 24, 2009 5:41 pm

:) Hello. First time poster. I believe this is the right area for this question.

I'm a novice user of PT, having only used it since the Version 3 release last May. I haven't encountered any problems until Beta 25. I just updated and all seems fine with the Cash side of things, however, for Tournaments I am missing many players in the Players List? Specifically I get this message: "Missing Tournament Summaries".

"You have imported hand histories for at least one tournament without also loading the corresponding summary for that tournament... "

I never received this message prior to updating to Beta 25. :roll: The tournament sessions are there and all else seems o-k (I enter sessions in web-based software as well) except there are thousands of players missing from the Players List.

Any suggestions? Thank you in advance for any help.
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Re: Beta 25 Released

Postby kraada » Wed Feb 25, 2009 10:27 am

If you check the "show tournaments without results" checkbox on the Tournaments --> Enter Results window it will show you any tournaments that need results. Since that error message appeared, there should be at least one such tournament. Enter the results for it and it should go away. Also, you should be able to check the "do not show this message again" checkbox and then not see the message again in the future.
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