So I played a few heads up SNG's on Stars today and entered them into PT3. This is the first I've tried using it for tournaments.
I played 5 turbo $6+.25 heads up matches. I imported the hands, then manually entered the results for the 5 tournaments. 4 wins, 1 loss.
I'm getting these results:
Total Buy-In: $31.25 (5x6.25, this is correct)
Amount Won: $48.00 (4x12, this is also correct)
Net Won: $15.50 (this is incorrect, my net won should be 48.00-31.25=16.75)
Any ideas? It is off by .25 per tourney which is the amount of the rake. Maybe it is double counting the rake somehow? I have double and triple checked the tournament information that I manually entered and can't find any mistake. Not sure what the problem is. Shouldnt the function in PT3 for "Net Won" simply subtract "Total Buy-In" from "Amount Won"?