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AntelopeSalad_ wrote:Did you actually export your tournament hands?
You have to export cash and tournaments separately.
Nope, I assumed after checking them that it would export. If this isn't how it works then the dialog box should be intuative. The way it currently works is that it ignored the tournament tab completely after I checked the boxes (because I hit export under the cash tab). It should detect that I checked the tournaments and export them after exporting the cash games IMO or at the very least warn you that you've selected buyins/tourney types but they weren't exported upon closing the dialog.
Also is something weird going on with your login db? It says my original account (AntelopeSalad) doesn't exist, had to make a new account.
HUD worked fine btw, other than having to re-do their positions it all carried over fine from build 3 b17.
AntelopeSalad_ wrote:Btw I didn't read every page in this thread (yet) but there seems to be a bug in the General -> Player Summary page regarding total number of hands in a session.
Just finished a quick session and the [Hands] tabs shows I played 618, the [Graphs] tab shows 618, the [Positions] tab shows 618, but the [General] -> Player Summary tab shows 573 (and shows the profits based off 573 hands). I restarted PT/Cleared/Refreshed, etc. and won't budge from 573 when I filter it by today.
Makes no sense because if I remove the filter and only filter hands from that limit it shows 24,628 in every tab (I don't know if this includes or excludes the missing 45 hands it won't pickup in General).
My Stars HH folder is empty so it definitely processed them. Reimporting the hands manually from PT's /processed/ folder results in 618 duplicates too.
sneds wrote:This happens when you start play in one day and finish in another. I've mentioned it in the past.
To avoid this discrepency you need to configure "My Day Starts At" to a time that you never play, say 5am. Then each "day" stats will run from 5am to 5am instead of midnight to midnight.
Do you have your time zone set properly in Windows? If you don't and you were playing at what Windows thought was midnight, it could still cause these issues.
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