Player Location Lock for HUD

If you'd like to see a new feature added to PokerAce Hud, this is the place to request it!

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Player Location Lock for HUD

Postby pkupchik » Wed May 13, 2009 12:50 pm

When watching a table after being moved to a different one in (or being knocked out of) a tournament, the HUD shifts all of the players' positions as if I had never been there. However, FullTilt keeps the table's view static. The result is that after standing up from a table, the HUD puts everybody in the wrong place, and it is difficult to track the other players and take good notes. It would be nice to have a setting that allows the positions to be locked-in even after standing up. Sitting back down or closing and re-openning the table would be the only reasons the view would need to be adjusted again after standing up.

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Re: Player Location Lock for HUD

Postby kraada » Wed May 13, 2009 1:52 pm

The problem is that when the HUD sees a hand that you are not in, it doesn't check to see if you were ever at the table. This sort of extra check is not that easy to perform and would cause some performance issues. I wouldn't expect to see it rolled out for PAHUD at this point. It is possible PT3 will get these sorts of checks eventually but I can't say when that would be available.
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