by c666666 » Sat May 23, 2009 2:17 pm
I tried that, but don't work for me.
Does I need to stop the PostgreeSQL Database Server 8.3 service too (pg_ctl.exe)? I tried with all the combinatios, with and without the service, start and stop the server, with and without the PT3 running, etc
Finally, I copied the backput directory into the new PostgreeSQL but the old "data" folder, so I have a old_data folder and a new data folder with some hands I did today. The service runs ok and the server start/stop works ok too, but when I rename the folder data to "new_data" and the "old_data" to "data" (it's like copy, anyway), I try to start the server but it don't start and there's no any postgress.exe running (like usually), so I can¡t start the pg_ctl.exe servicen or the server start neither. After that, I rename the "new_data" folder (the new database) to "data"and now I can start the pg_ctl.exe service and the server start, all ok.
I have no idea how to solve this issue. Maybe I put some password in the old database and it's the problem? any idea?
Thank you,