Not showing imported hands

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Not showing imported hands

Postby Av9114 » Mon Mar 17, 2008 3:52 am

Sometimes after using the auto import things don't show up in the database unless I close and reopen PT3. For example the first time I noticed it the session that I had just finished didnt show up. Just now I was unable to find some of the players that were at a table. Some of them were there but not others. After shutting it down and relaunching the program everything appears to be there.
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Re: Not showing imported hands

Postby WhiteRider » Mon Mar 17, 2008 5:03 am

Did you click the 'Refresh' button? The display does not [yet] auto-update after importing.
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Re: Not showing imported hands

Postby nubby » Tue Mar 18, 2008 4:07 pm

I didn't want to start a new thread but for some reason any hands I've played since the 15th aren't being shown within my database for some reason. Nothing has changed on my end except I set up PT3 on my laptop but I don't see how that could interfere. When auto import is running it shows the hands are being imported and it's telling me the correct number of hands. I can't seem to figure it out...hmm
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Re: Not showing imported hands

Postby Pilli » Tue Mar 18, 2008 4:13 pm

[quote="nubby"rdl]I didn't want to start a new thread but for some reason any hands I've played since the 15th aren't being shown within my database for some reason. Nothing has changed on my end except I set up PT3 on my laptop but I don't see how that could interfere. When auto import is running it shows the hands are being imported and it's telling me the correct number of hands. I can't seem to figure it out...hmm[/quoterdl]

Did the following?:
- Check if you have the correct active database selected.
- Check if you have all filters (especially date filters) switched off.
- If you haven't restarted PT3 since importing, press the refresh button.
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Re: Not showing imported hands

Postby nubby » Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:05 am

Alright for some reason.....yeah hands were getting sent into another database I have no idea how or why. Ok, so...How can I add hands from the database they were going into the last few days into the one that I really want them into?
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Re: Not showing imported hands

Postby Pilli » Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:27 am

[quote="nubby"arc]Alright for some reason.....yeah hands were getting sent into another database I have no idea how or why. Ok, so...How can I add hands from the database they were going into the last few days into the one that I really want them into?[/quotearc]

As far as I know, you could only reimport them as the database management options aren't fully complete yet (can't merge db's?).
Just reimport a ton of hands from the processed folder. It should filter out already imported hands so you won't get duplicate hands.
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