No Hand Data for Open End Str8 Filter

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No Hand Data for Open End Str8 Filter

Postby Carl LaFong » Tue Mar 18, 2008 6:12 pm

I filtered for results of holding open end straight draw on turn at both a single blind amount and for combined blind amounts, i.e., $.25 and $.50 NL at stars.

Looks like all "Player vs. Player" info is shown on top but I can see detail only for hands I lost in "Hands Against Player" section on bottom.

I know the hand detail is in db b/c when I substitute name of a player I beat at the top of page instead of my name, I see the hand detail appear in bottom section.
Carl LaFong
Posts: 33
Joined: Mon Mar 10, 2008 5:11 pm

Re: No Hand Data for Open End Str8 Filter

Postby Josh » Wed Mar 19, 2008 7:39 am

I'm not sure I fully understand the problem. Is the filter filtering out too many hands, or not enough?
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Re: No Hand Data for Open End Str8 Filter

Postby Carl LaFong » Wed Mar 19, 2008 11:40 am

I am not technically proficient with forums beyond typing so if it would help you to have a screen shot of any of the following, I'll be happy to if you can provide a little guidance on how to do it.

Otherwise, the following is step by step what I am doing and what I'm seeing.

1) Selecting two filters = PS $.25 NL from "General" tab and "open ended str8 draw on turn" from Draw tab
2) Click on Apply - I see 23 players and 23 unique results in "player vs player" section of "vs Player" tab. Of the 23 results, 21 were losses and 2 were wins.
3) When I hilight an opponent's name on any line in the "player vs player" section when I lost the hand, I see hand specific info in the bottom section "Hands against player" (date played,hole, hole flop, etc.). I can doubleclick on that line in "hands against player" section and get to the hand information pop up with hand history and hand details tabs.
4) When I hilight (or double click) any opponent's name in "player vs player" section when I won the hand, nothing appears in the "hands against player" section at bottom of page.

To determine if the hand detail for the two hands that I won was in the db, with the results of the two filters still showing in the "vs Player" tab, I clicked on one of the two player's names in the far left column whom I beat. My name and hand summary info appeared in the "Player vs Player" section and the hand specific info appeared in the "hands against player" section at bottom. I can doubleclick on that line in the "hands against player" section and get to the hand information pop up with hand history and detail tabs, just like in (3) above.

In summary, this particular combination of filters captures the highest level of detail about results for all open ended str8 draws from turn. Although the hand detail for winning and losing hands is in the db, the filtering as I performed it does not reflect hand detail for any of those hands that requester won.

Sorry for the lengthy response but I hope there is benefit in the detail.
Carl LaFong
Posts: 33
Joined: Mon Mar 10, 2008 5:11 pm

Re: No Hand Data for Open End Str8 Filter

Postby Josh » Wed Mar 19, 2008 11:49 am

There appears to be a bug in the filtering of the vs Player report. I will try to get it fixed for the next release.
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Re: No Hand Data for Open End Str8 Filter

Postby Carl LaFong » Wed Mar 19, 2008 3:02 pm

I am very pleased to contribute in some small way to your efforts.
Carl LaFong
Posts: 33
Joined: Mon Mar 10, 2008 5:11 pm

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