Merging PT3 Databases?

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Merging PT3 Databases?

Postby grindunumb » Tue Feb 19, 2008 1:53 am

I had a ton of hands in the older PT3 beta database. Now I created the new one for BETA-4, but the other hands I had in PT3 are not there. I cannot find how to merge these databases before I delete the first PT3 database. How do I merge them, or import those hands?
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Re: Merging PT3 Databases?

Postby APerfect10 » Tue Feb 19, 2008 3:23 am

Currently this functionality is not available to convert from a previous Beta database version. You will need to reimport all of your hand histories into the new database.

Note: If you were moving your processed files then your hand histories should be in "PokerTracker 3/Processed" directory.

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Re: Merging PT3 Databases?

Postby aliby » Fri Mar 21, 2008 2:21 am

So there is no way to upgrade an old pt3 database to a newer one?

I don't have the old hand histories as I reformatted my computer. The db was stored on a remote PostgreSQL server so I still have that.

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Re: Merging PT3 Databases?

Postby APerfect10 » Fri Mar 21, 2008 2:37 am

[quote="aliby"a4f]So there is no way to upgrade an old pt3 database to a newer one?

I don't have the old hand histories as I reformatted my computer. The db was stored on a remote PostgreSQL server so I still have that.


Only way is to manually export the hand histories stored in the PT3 database (via SQL) then re-import them.

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Re: Merging PT3 Databases?

Postby aliby » Sat Mar 22, 2008 8:10 pm

The problem is I converted my Poker Tracker 2 DB to PokerTracker 3. I am assuming I would have to use one of the older beta (I believe I had b4 and then went to b6) to export the hand histories, then reimport them.

However when trying to use b4, I am given the error message that this beta has expired and I have to download a newer one. Any way to get around that message? And does my logic above make sense?


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Re: Merging PT3 Databases?

Postby WhiteRider » Sun Mar 23, 2008 5:22 am

Did you keep the hand histories you exported?
If so, just re-import them into the latest beta, along with any hands played since.
If not, you should be able to repeat what you did before.

For purposes of beta testing you should be keeping the original hand history files somewhere safe so that they can be easily re-imported when needed.
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Re: Merging PT3 Databases?

Postby aliby » Sun Mar 23, 2008 11:42 am

[quote="aliby"e42]So there is no way to upgrade an old pt3 database to a newer one?

I don't have the old hand histories as I reformatted my computer. The db was stored on a remote PostgreSQL server so I still have that.


See above. I do not have the old hand histories.
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Re: Merging PT3 Databases?

Postby WhiteRider » Sun Mar 23, 2008 12:35 pm

Sorry, I didn't see that.
Did you keep the PT2 database that you "converted"? The export/import from PT2 to PT3 does not remove the PT2 database.
If you still have that you'd be able to convert (or export/import) again.

Alternatively, have a look at [url=]this post[/urlt0p], which explains how you can do a 'manual' export from a PT3 database.
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