Session results change

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Session results change

Postby mattgoody » Fri Mar 21, 2008 9:59 am

Last night i played a ~600 hand session on 4 tables on my laptop, and everythign was importing fine, and at the end of the session my stats were displayed in PT3 correctly. So this morning i wake up and get on my desktop computer, which i had left PT3 open and auto importing on (but no tables open). I open some tables and start playing, and notice that most stats arent coming up for new players on poker observer hud, so i go to the sessions tab in PT3, which is still only showing the results from prior to last night (cuz i had played on my laptop and hadnt hit refresh on my desktop yet). So i hit refresh and my session from last night only has 373 hands, and says i lost ~150 when i really made ~200. I checked the table sessions and it only was showing 3 out of the 4 tables i played, And it was only showing 1/6 tables i was playing right now. So i closed pt3 and reopened and started the auto import and it imported correctly, but the historical stuff is still messed up. I went on the laptop and checked the processed files and all 4 tables from last night were there. I just tried manual importing the 4 files and it just said 521 duplicates and 0 hands imported. To be clear, my database is stored on a completely different computer on the network. Lemme know if you need any more clarification. Thanks for the great product!
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Re: Session results change

Postby APerfect10 » Fri Mar 21, 2008 12:26 pm

Do you have any filters set? I cannot think of any reason why the session data would be displayed correctly one day then the next be incorrect.

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Re: Session results change

Postby mattgoody » Fri Mar 21, 2008 1:26 pm

I have no filters at all. Really nothing set. As i said i tried to manually import the missing hands and it said they were all dupes, and now that it finished clustering, I can see that in the Sessions by Table, the missing table is now there, it says i played 80 minutes (correct) but it says i played 0 hands there (obv wrong).
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Re: Session results change

Postby mattgoody » Sat Mar 22, 2008 11:16 am

Something similar just happened again. I think the problem stems from leaving pt3 open for a long time. I just started playing only 1 table to test out a HUD layout and started auto import (pt3 had been open for over 24h imo) and it said it was importing but nothing new showed up in my sessions, so i closed pt3 and reopened, and began to auto import and it worked, but the hands that were "imported" b4 i restarted pt3 are nowhere to be found.
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Re: Session results change

Postby APerfect10 » Sat Mar 22, 2008 12:19 pm

Can you send me the 'PokerTracker.log' file (after PT3 has been opened for an extended period of time) via the [url=]Support system[/url73b]. I would like to see if any errors are occuring.

Best regards,

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