Stars Notes

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Re: Stars Notes

Postby Kevin J » Fri Mar 21, 2008 11:31 am

[quote="River"m3b]Kev, you are starting to confuse me (PS your topic duplicates Poker Stars export problem) but I too cannot find a current Notes text file when I use explorer to search (only find a 'notes.txt' modified ages ago and one that has a date in the name from a fortnight ago) but when I use the Stars 'Help - Open folder settings' I see a text file named 'Notes' dated a week ago (when I last played).

Luckily my son now came along to help me. [color=#4000BFm3b]SOLUTION[/colorm3b]

This Notes file found under Stars Help was located [color=#FF0000m3b]C:\Users\(your user name)\AppData\Local\PokerStars\Notes[/colorm3b]. The folder AppData is a hidden folder and you have to enable hidden folders and files to be shown (when you have explore or any folder open,click tools, then folder options, then on the view tab- in the small scroll box you will find "show hidden files and folders")
Then on Trackers 'import/export' screen we clicked on the '...' to the right of Stars and changed the file to the path above. (Then do an import to apply this change.

Is this OK Pat or is there a better alternative?[/quotem3b]

River, that worked! You (and/or your son) are geniuses! Thank you! Sorry if I confused you. I did do a quick search before posting this problem and couldn't find anything on this topic. But I'm not very good with searching, so sorry if I duplicated someone else's post.

Now I just wish I understood why certain files have to be located differently in the user/AppData/ location, rather than in the general C:/hard drive/ location. I know it has to do with different users on the computer, but since I don't have any other users set up, it's a pain in the ___. Anyway, thanks again!
Kevin J
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Re: Stars Notes

Postby naker » Sun Mar 23, 2008 7:08 pm

I'm still unable to fix the problem on XP guys. I'm sorry but I can't seem to find the filepath even once I've "unhidden" the files. I don't have any personal user directory that I can go to. I did find the appdata path but there was no path to pokerstars from there.
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Re: Stars Notes

Postby ptrack pat » Sun Mar 23, 2008 10:19 pm

search your computer hard drive for the file "Notes.txt" - if it's on the computer it should show you what folder it's in.
ptrack pat
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Re: Stars Notes

Postby naker » Mon Mar 24, 2008 7:36 pm

pat, I get three options when I search for notes, but when I click the "..." on pokerstars to export my notes I only get one option. I'm still getting the same error msg everytime I attempt to export. I dunno what I did to make this such a hassle but it's sure gettin on my nerves. grrrr
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Re: Stars Notes

Postby naker » Mon Mar 24, 2008 8:26 pm

I got it all figured out Pat. I'm a dummy lol. I kept trying to run the notes export with pokerstars running, DUHHHHHH!!!
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