dauv wrote:I'd like to create a custom stat, that categorizes the board texture as a custom stat.
I know it's possible to filter based on board texture, but I'm hoping someone could help giving me some pointers, on how I make it into a statistic.
I was thinking it should work something a long the lines of:
Presumably this is for the flop rather than the turn so:
dauv wrote:All cards single suit = monotone
- Code: Select all
(cash_hand_summary.card_1 > 0 and cash_hand_summary.card_1 - ((cash_hand_summary.card_1 - 1) % 13) = cash_hand_summary.card_2 - ((cash_hand_summary.card_2 - 1) % 13) and cash_hand_summary.card_2 - ((cash_hand_summary.card_2 - 1) % 13) = cash_hand_summary.card_3 - ((cash_hand_summary.card_3 - 1) % 13))
dauv wrote:All cards of different suit = rainbow
- Code: Select all
((cash_hand_summary.card_1 - ((cash_hand_summary.card_1 - 1) % 13)) != (cash_hand_summary.card_2 - ((cash_hand_summary.card_2 - 1) % 13)) and (cash_hand_summary.card_1 - ((cash_hand_summary.card_1 - 1) % 13)) != (cash_hand_summary.card_3 - ((cash_hand_summary.card_3 - 1) % 13)) and (cash_hand_summary.card_2 - ((cash_hand_summary.card_2 - 1) % 13)) != (cash_hand_summary.card_3 - ((cash_hand_summary.card_3 - 1) % 13)))
dauv wrote:2 cards of same suit = flushdraw
- Code: Select all
((cash_hand_summary.card_1 - ((cash_hand_summary.card_1 - 1) % 13) = cash_hand_summary.card_2 - ((cash_hand_summary.card_2 - 1) % 13) and cash_hand_summary.card_2 - ((cash_hand_summary.card_2 - 1) % 13) != cash_hand_summary.card_3 - ((cash_hand_summary.card_3 - 1) % 13)) OR (cash_hand_summary.card_1 - ((cash_hand_summary.card_1 - 1) % 13) = cash_hand_summary.card_3 - ((cash_hand_summary.card_3 - 1) % 13) and cash_hand_summary.card_2 - ((cash_hand_summary.card_2 - 1) % 13) != cash_hand_summary.card_3 - ((cash_hand_summary.card_3 - 1) % 13)) OR (cash_hand_summary.card_3 - ((cash_hand_summary.card_3 - 1) % 13) = cash_hand_summary.card_2 - ((cash_hand_summary.card_2 - 1) % 13) and cash_hand_summary.card_1 - ((cash_hand_summary.card_1 - 1) % 13) != cash_hand_summary.card_3 - ((cash_hand_summary.card_3 - 1) % 13)))
dauv wrote:2 cards of same rank = paired
- Code: Select all
(cash_hand_summary.card_1 > 0 and ((cash_hand_summary.card_1 % 13 = cash_hand_summary.card_2 % 13) OR (cash_hand_summary.card_1 % 13 = cash_hand_summary.card_3 % 13) OR (cash_hand_summary.card_2 % 13 = cash_hand_summary.card_3 % 13)))
This post has more information on how the modulo function works if you want to filter for different situations. You can also get these types of expressions for use in custom statistics by enabling logging in PokerTracker 4 (Configure -> Options), create a built-in filter for what you want and then extract the query from the log file by opening it in a text editor. You can access the 'Logs' folder with the log file by clicking 'File -> Open User Data Folder' in the main PokerTracker 4 window and the log file is the text file called 'PokerTracker4' or 'PokerTracker4.log' that is in that folder.