I'm a big newb in this area and would love if you could link to guide/explain any advice you may have.
- If I wanna load several million hands (datamined, not my own) into PT3, how should I go around this?
How much does 1 or 2+ million hands slow PT3 in generel when loading/checking out your own stats ect? Browsing the different option in PT3 I was wondering if "create new database" and "set active database" if that's something that should be used for datamined hands in large amount? If that would be a good idea a quick explanation on how to do it would be cool.
Again, I'm really clueless and haven't tried this before so just wanna make sure I do everything correct.
Also, is there a faster way to load xml HH's? Quickly tried to load just a few to see and it said it would take like 3-4 hours to load (is a pretty huge hh amount though, like 500k+ I think). But I'm guessing I'm just gonna have to be patient? ^^