"Is Reg" filter on player report for population analysis

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"Is Reg" filter on player report for population analysis

Postby mateosnorian » Mon Mar 25, 2024 1:49 pm


I am attempting to do some player pool analysis. Currently I have a player report that I am running on all players in my database, I have done this by unchecking the "Filter on active player" in Filters>Advanced section of the reporting area. The report has statistics like:
VPIP, PFR, 3Bet PF, 2Bet PF & Fold, etc.

I would like to further my analysis of the pool by filtering for only "regulars" as I am trying to do analysis on how the regulars play and I don't want the statistics of fish messing up the overall data. Is there a way I can show only data for player's that meet the following criteria?

Amount of hands >= 50
VPIP > 0 & VPIP < 30
PFR > 0 & PFR <25
VPIP - PFR <= 8
Open limp (when not in the small blind) <= 2


Amount of hands >= 20000

Is it possible to use PT4 for what I am trying to achieve?
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Re: "Is Reg" filter on player report for population analysis

Postby Flag_Hippo » Tue Mar 26, 2024 6:29 am

That will require the use of expression filters by clicking on the 'Filters' link and selecting 'Add New Expression Filters'. For example:

Code: Select all
#Hands# >= 50 AND #VPIP# BETWEEN 0 AND 30 AND #VPIP#- #PFR# <= 8
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