Custom HUD inverted/wrong stats on another computer

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Custom HUD inverted/wrong stats on another computer

Postby Skywa » Sat Nov 30, 2024 9:07 am

I'am helping a friend to build a custom HUD with custom stats.
When running this HUD on a specific tournament on 2 computers we have different results.

For example, there is 2 stats OPEN and OPENSHOVE, on computer 1 the stats are fine, on the second computer the stats of OPEN are inverted with OPENSHOVE stats.
The computer 1 export the HUD, computer 2 clear all customs stats (rebuild cache too, closed PT4 and import the HUD).

We have checked the stats and columns on both computer, they are the same. On the HUD profile the stats used are the same.

I'am scratching my head on this:

How stats linked to an hud can give different results in the HUD on the same dataset in 2 differents computers and invert the stats on the HUD !?

Computer 1 is on windows, Computer 2 is on mac. Same number version of PT4 on both computer.
Computer 2 have premium stats, computer 1 no.

Any ideas or troubleshootings steps will be very usefull.
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Joined: Thu Jun 20, 2024 9:45 am

Re: Custom HUD inverted/wrong stats on another computer

Postby Skywa » Sat Nov 30, 2024 1:28 pm

I have found the issue, and yes you can have a stats that will give you differents output on different computer on the same dataset of hands. That's look crazy but I found why and how to avoid this (and no I will not share it).

I will share another PITA instead, when starting with customs stats: NEVER use any UPERCASE on columns name ... that will not work and brake the stats, was it to hard to do a lowercase(name of columns) when naming a column ?! How are we suppose to know ???

Just venting cause i used many hours to troubleshoots bad designs like this .... the good news is nows i'am a guru in PT4 stats :mrgreen:
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Joined: Thu Jun 20, 2024 9:45 am

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