I spent a few hours today reading the HUD manual and having a go at creating a custom layout.
I couldn’t get over how easy it was in the end.
As for importing and exporting I don't believe this feature currently exists but you can get around it. The HUD layout file is called
layouts.pt3 and resides in
c:\program files\pokertracker 3\data\.
All you have to do is rename the original file and copy in the new one. You may have to restart PT3 afterwards.
I can verify this process works as I originally crated my custom HUD on my laptop and have now installed it on my main PC.
Any way below is a pic of my first attempt.
If it is of any use to you I am happy to post the file up. I have also provided a brief explanation of what each stat is.
Apologies for the meaningless data. I quickly logged on this afternoon just so I could take a screen shot hence I had hardly played a hand.
My HUD is in 2 separate sections (or groups as they are called in the HUD Menu), one for pre flop and the other for post flop.
Having them in 2 separate sections makes it easier to position them
Pre FlopVP: = VPIP
ATS: Attempt to Steal
3B: = 3Bet PF
FSB: = Fold SB to steal
FBB: Fold BB to steal
Post FlopAF: Total AF
3BT: 3Bet Total
CB: = C Bet Flop
FC: = Fold to CBet
FTR: = Flop, Turn and river Aggression (I combined the 3 fields to look like one big one)
W$: = W$SD
In the end you can choose which ever stat you want.
I hope this helps.