by kwahlanigiro » Sun Dec 07, 2008 1:56 am
The reason that I didn't follow up last time is because I'm not sure what exactly made it work. Right now, I have half of my tournies (about 150) with no buy in data showing up. I don't write down every step that I follow when I use a piece of software so that later I'll be able to reproduce it. I actually did QA once and that was what we GOT PAID to do. To your credit, you at least respond. Believe me, if Bill Gates responded, I'd tear that bs artist a new one for all of the time he has wasted--other people's time!
I play tournies. I import my hand histories after I'm done. Then I use the auto feature to get the summaries from Stars. Sometimes, I have to do it in steps because stars 60 limit rule. Then I try to import them from outlook express. Bang, tracker goes down. I reopen it. I try to import them. Bang, tracker goes down. I do this about a dozen times. Then finally, they miraculously start importing. But the tournament statistics still don't change much. Half are still incomplete.
There are two kinds of players. Cash and tournament players. I have used tracker before for cash games and it basically works. For omaha tournaments on stars, it just crashes over and over. Yet this is a basic function and I am not doing anything out of the ordinary. It's not like I'm have some esoteric issue. Without spending hours researching your forums, it seems like crashing during summaries is endemic. That's why I "unloaded" as you put it. One shouldn't need to do all kinds of research to get basic functionality.
I use 1.13.02.
The only thing I do that is unusual is I change the folder for the processed files from time to time because it seems to just import one and then crash so I tried to give it clean folder to dump the files in. I don't need to do that. I just thought it might make it work.