by Peligroso » Mon Mar 10, 2008 7:45 pm
[quote="dedo89"mx1]First off thank you for the quick reply I'm gonna uninstall PT3 for now and install PT2. The only concerns I have is that my trial will end before you have the Bodog support on PT3 unless the perches price of the software can be applied to PT3 when it is released with Bodog support. My other concern is if I will be able to transfer my data from PT2 to PT3. Thanks Again.[/quotemx1]
I don't know when Bodog support will be added, but if you'd be interested in buying PT2, there's information about what your discount on PT3 would be [url=]here[/urlmx1] in that case, depending on when it's released. To answer your second question, you're able to transfer data from PT2 to PT3, but I'll still recommend saving hand histories.