Ok, referring to my earlier thread about the textual stats ("Fit-or-fold, a textual postflop stat, what do you think?"), I decided to create a complete set of textual "exploitation" stats for preflop and postflop play.
I will specifically target these stats for short-handed NL cash games and I will use my short NL datamining database to calibrate the stats using players who have >1000 hands in the database.
Calibration principle: Most of the stats have two levels, the higher one marked with + and the lower one just with the text. The higher one marks the 90% threshold and the lower one marks the 75% threshold.
XYZ+, XYZ -> If XYZ+ is showing next to particular player, that stat is higher/lower (depending on the stat) than 90% of the other players and if just XYZ is showing, that stat is higher/lower than 75% of the other players. In other words, if the stat is visible (if it is not applicable, it will be not shown at all), it will tell you that regarding that stat, the player belongs to the top/bottom 10%/25% of the players when sorted by that stat.
I'll start with preflop stats and I would like to get some comments from short NL players as to what stats are relevant preflop in your opinion.
Here is a list of stats that I currently feel to be useful as preflop information. The grouping a...i means that the abbreviations in the group are mutually exclusive, you see either one of them or none at all. You would then create a HUD group (or perhaps 2 groups) with these stats and you would see something between none of them and all of them, depending on how exploitable the player is. So, if someone is REALLY weird fish, you could see up to 9 (one from each group a...i) different abbreviations next to his seat on the hud. If someone is ABC-TAGish, you might see none of the abbreviations. In which case it might be time to change tables...
a) F3B, F3Bs, F3Bns
Folds to 3 bet when open-raised (F3B = always, F3Bs = stealing, F3Bns = non-stealing)
b) FRL+, FRL
Folds to raise when limped
c) NCC+, NCC
Never cold-calls (=belongs to bottom 10%/25% cold-callers)
d) 3Bet+, 3Bet, N3Bet+, N3Bet
3Bets often / Never 3bets (if you see "N3Bet+" and the player 3-bets, HE HAS A HAND!)
e) NBD+, NB, DBD, BDc, BDr
No blind defense / Defends big blind (specifically with call / raise)
f) RL+, RL
Raises limper(s) very light (+) or light
g) SQ+, SQ
Squeezes light
h) FSQ+, FSQ
Folds to a squeeze very easily or easily
i) ST+, ST, NST+, NST
Steals often / Never steals
For example, taking the stat a) as an example:
- If the "fold to 3 bet when open raised from any position"-statistic places the player among the top 25% players who fold the most, then you would see "F3B" next to this player.
- If the "fold to 3 bet when open raised from a stealing position"-statistic places the player among the top 25% players who fold the most, then you would see "F3Bs" next to this player.
- If the "fold to 3 bet when open raised from a non-stealing position"-statistic places the player among the top 25% players who fold the most, then you would see "F3Bns" next to this player.
So, if you see F3B, F3Bs or F3Bns next to the player and he has open-raised, you might consider 3-betting light depending whether he was stealing or not. If you don't see any of these figures next to the player, then he is not going to fold that often on a 3-bet.
NOTE: When using these stats, there are NO NUMBERS to look at, these are just abbreviations that are meant to convey you the information regarding the exploitability of a certain player. The absence of an abbreviation means that the player is not exploitable by that particular stat. Obviously you can also have numbers on the Hud, but my point here is to try and get rid of MOST of the numbers and try to pinpoint possible exploitation opportunities with simple and easy to read textual abbreviations. I'd guess that in addition to these abbreviations (plus the postflop stuff that I'll get into later), I'd probably use only VPIP, PFR and AFq to form a general opinion of the player.
So these would be the textual values that you would see on the hud. I'll be using color ranges to indicate the reliability of the stat like this:
Red : < 10 samples of the situation seen
Yellow: 10...30 samples of the situation seen
Blue: 30...50 samples of the situation seen
Green: >50 samples of the situation seen
So, if you see Green "NST+" on a player who is stealing your blind, you can be pretty sure that he really has a hand. With green we have seen the player having >50 steal opportunities but he has tried to steal only as little as the bottom 10% of the stealers on my short NL datamining database. With green NST, he would be in the bottom 25% of the stealers.
My intention is to collect all these stats into a single zip-file and perhaps even create a sample layout for them and then donate those to the repository.
But before that, I'd like some comment from short NL regulars about my selection of stats. Are all of those useful? Would you add/change/delete something?