Bwin - split pot marked as lost hand

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Bwin - split pot marked as lost hand

Postby Ruante » Mon Jul 06, 2009 3:54 pm

Whenever pot was splitted, PT3 marks this hand as lost.
PT3 v.

Here is example:

***** History for hand R5-911477-311 *****
Start hand: Thu Jul 2 22:33:00 GMT+0400 2009
Table: Lindau [911477] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM $0.10/$0.20, Real money)
User: JohnV17
Button: seat 2
Players in round: 10
Seat 3: JohnV17 ($3.50)
Seat 4: tarumato ($13.94)
Seat 5: Zitadelle02 ($19.03)
Seat 6: Siggi38 ($8.72)
Seat 7: Billover ($19.86)
Seat 8: gotler2 ($4.04)
Seat 9: fkeicam ($4.01)
Seat 10: Vollkommen ($7.60)
Seat 1: DFwinds ($19.50)
Seat 2: Mecki1880 ($8.20)
JohnV17 posts small blind ($0.10)
tarumato posts big blind ($0.20)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to JohnV17: [Qc, Kd]
Zitadelle02 folds
Siggi38 folds
Billover folds
gotler2 folds
fkeicam folds
Vollkommen folds
DFwinds folds
Mecki1880 calls $0.20
JohnV17 raises $0.90 to $1
tarumato folds
Mecki1880 calls $0.80
--- Dealing flop [Td, 9d, Js]
JohnV17 checks
Mecki1880 bets $2.20
JohnV17 raises $2.50 to $2.50 [all in]
Mecki1880 calls $0.30
--- Dealing flop [Td, 9d, Js]
--- Dealing turn [Kc]
--- Dealing river [Qd]
Main pot: $7.20 won by Mecki1880 ($3.42), JohnV17 ($3.42)
Seat 3: JohnV17 ($3.42), net: -$0.08, [Qc, Kd] (STRAIGHT KING)
Seat 4: tarumato ($13.74), net: -$0.20
Seat 5: Zitadelle02 ($19.03)
Seat 6: Siggi38 ($8.72)
Seat 7: Billover ($19.86)
Seat 8: gotler2 ($4.04)
Seat 9: fkeicam ($4.01)
Seat 10: Vollkommen ($7.60)
Seat 1: DFwinds ($19.50)
Seat 2: Mecki1880 ($8.12), net: -$0.08, [2h, 2c] (STRAIGHT KING)
***** End of hand R5-911477-311 *****

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Joined: Tue Dec 30, 2008 6:36 pm

Re: Bwin - split pot marked as lost hand

Postby kraada » Mon Jul 06, 2009 5:19 pm

Could you please attach the hand to a support ticket so that we can look into this further? We would appreciate it.
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Location: NY

Re: Bwin - split pot marked as lost hand

Postby WhiteRider » Mon Jul 06, 2009 6:03 pm

That hand imports correctly for me in Beta 28.4 - you lost 8c overall.
There was a problem with split pots being recorded as losing all that you bet but that was fixed so please check that it says Beta 28.4 in the title bar of PT3.
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