ok its going on a week now that i havent been able to use pt. i tried everything you said and when i do no matter what it says no free disk space. the pt is 1700mb and the biggest program running on my laptop. Its a few year old dell insprion that maybe doesnt have enough space. im willing to do anything to fix this problem. if you tell me to go buy a new computer no problem i can afford that. but i rather try and fix this. is there anyway to delete the whole database and start new? that would suck since i have over 500k in hands on there. I never had any problems until i was having some import errors. how can i delete maybe half the database to open up some disk space? any help would be appreciated. if theres no way to fix this then can you give me a link to how to move a database to a new computer.
sorry to keep asking so many questions but i did purchase this program