Can´t find pg_dump.exe to create a backup

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Can´t find pg_dump.exe to create a backup

Postby TheTschaep » Wed Jul 21, 2010 4:15 pm

Hello guys,

I can´t create any backups of my PT3.

The following error occures:


I can´t find the file pg_dump on my computer.

Everything else is running fine.

Can anyone help me?
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Re: Can´t find pg_dump.exe to create a backup

Postby WhiteRider » Wed Jul 21, 2010 4:38 pm

What version of PostgreSQL do you have? (is the x.x 8.3 or 8.4?)
What version of PT3?
Do you have the PostgreSQL\x.x\bin folder?
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Re: Can´t find pg_dump.exe to create a backup

Postby TheTschaep » Thu Jul 22, 2010 4:01 pm

yes I have the bin dir, but there is only pg_ctl.exe
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Re: Can´t find pg_dump.exe to create a backup

Postby WhiteRider » Thu Jul 22, 2010 4:39 pm

You may be able to extract it from "" on the PostgreSQL download page.
Otherwise I think you would need to re-install PostgreSQL. Updating to the latest 8.3.x version might do it (same link) but if you need to uninstall/re-install see the How to reinstall PostgreSQL guide.
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Re: Can´t find pg_dump.exe to create a backup

Postby Leewah » Mon Dec 13, 2010 5:48 am

Hi There,

I'm having trouble backing up my PT3 3.08.1 running on OS X 10.5.8 and PostgreSQL v8.4.0.

When I choose the 'Backup' option under Database Management, I get a warning which says that "PostrgreSQL version 8.4.0 on i386-apple-darwin9.7.0 is installed. It is recommended to upgrade to al least version 8.3 for Backup/Restore."

I find this warning a bit strange as I believe I am currently running PostgreSQL v8.4.0 as displayed in the top right hand corner of the Database Management window.

Once I click "Ok" a new window pops up which says:

"Can't Find: /Library/PostgreSQL/8.4/pg_dump
This file is normally contained in /Library/PostgreSQL/8.x/bin. If you are using a remote install of PostgreSQL, you will need to install PostgreSQL on your local computer or, if possible and compatible, find this executable file on the server.

When I click 'Search for File', a Finder window opens looking for applications.

For some reason under my Macintosh HD /Library folder, I have 2 PostgreSQL folders! 1 is called /Library/PostgreSQL and the other is called /Library/PostgreSQL8

I'm not sure how this happened but PT3 seems to be working fine doing all the things I want/expect it to do. Have I stuffed an upgrade up somewhere?

Anyway, when I go to the /Library/PostgreSQL/8.4/bin/ folder I can see the pg_dump (Unix Executable File) in there however it is greyed out along with all the other files in the folder. The same occurs if I look in the /Library/PostgreSQL8/bin/ folder. When I look at the privileges for these folders, I am presented with the following users:

Name Privilege
system Read & Write
daemon Read
everyone Read

Name Privilege
system Read & Write
admin Read
everyone Read

I have actually added myself to the Permissions list as Read & Write but that didn't seem to have made a difference to the way PT3 tries to access the folder.

Since I can't seem to access these files through PokerTracker (I can see/execute them fine through a separate Finder window), I click 'Cancel' and am taken to the System Backup window.

My 1 and only active/default database appears with a tick in the check box with all the default options including "Backup Databases" checked. It says the Estimated Backup Size is 553MB and the Temporary Space Required is 11055MB which is the same size as the actual database.

When I click "Backup Now", I am presented with a Save As window. I have chosen to backup my database to an external HD which I use as a backup drive for a bunch of other stuff on my computer. After naming the .zip file, I click "Save" and the Status window is populated with:

Checking disk space needed for backup...OK
Starting Backup...
Creating temporary folder
Database:PT3 Default DB...execvp(-E, SQL_ASCII, -f, /var/folders/mr/mr0Sh-QpHnSgs6jedKYD4E+++TI/-Tmp-//_PT3_TEMP_BACKUP/Databases/DB0.backup, -F, p, -h, localhost, -p, 5432, -U, postgres, PT3 DB) failed with error 2!

Optional Files
Remove Temp Files...OK
Remove Temp Folders
Temp Databases Files...OK
Temp Optional Files...OK
Temp Aggregated Files...OK
Backup Complete.
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Re: Can´t find pg_dump.exe to create a backup

Postby kraada » Mon Dec 13, 2010 9:28 am

8.4.0 is a bit old on the PostgreSQL side - you could try upgrading to the latest in the 8.4 line - 8.4.5, available from the PostgreSQL website (, but I'm not 100% certain that will fix this issue.

I'll see if I can get a developer to comment on this for you.
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