Customized Table Types Gone?

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Customized Table Types Gone?

Postby TampaThunder » Thu Jul 22, 2010 10:09 am

I've just upgraded to v3.07.02 and have run into what I hope isn't really an issue.

I had customized quite a few tourney table types. For example, I had added 10-table SnGs as they weren't an option. Even with the update you have 5-table and 20-table but still no 10-table. I had also added a type called "staked" to cover tourneys that I had been staked to and had not used my own bankroll. In addition, I play in quite a few leagues and had added table types to differentiate between them and to ease filtering.

The update seems to have wiped all that out and my customized table types are no longer listed and all the tourneys that had been previously labeled with the customized table types have been reclassified with either standard MTT or N/A.

I hope that this is not the case but it appears that I will have to go back and redo/recreate custom table types to sort my tourneys again? And then find each applicable tourney and change the table type? This would take an incredible amount of time.

Please tell me this is not the case.
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Re: Customized Table Types Gone?

Postby WhiteRider » Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:00 am

The way that tables are classified has changed, as has the way they are stored, but existing table types should not have been changed - you didn't force detection on your previous tournaments on Tournaments > Enter Results did you?
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Re: Customized Table Types Gone?

Postby TampaThunder » Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:12 am

1. Installed update
2. Started program - database was automatically updated
3. As suggested following database update, I ran housekeeping immediately
4. Opened program following housekeeping and of the 1600+ tourneys all table types are either MTT, MTT 20-table SNG, MTT 5-table SNG, MTT 3-table SNG, MTT 2-table SNG, STT SNG, or N/A.

I had at least 8 customized table types that are no longer shown or even available on the drop down list where you manually enter tournament information. I see there is an Auto Detect button on that screen now but it's never been pressed.
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Re: Customized Table Types Gone?

Postby WhiteRider » Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:46 am

It is possible that the database update has removed the changes you made to the database in the first place - the structure has changed a little. If the table that you were using was removed and replaced with something else then your changes would have been removed too.
The table types are created dynamically so you won't have 10 table tourneys until some have been detected (and that type of detection is tricky), but you can add table types for any number of tables in the Tournaments > Enter Results window.
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Re: Customized Table Types Gone?

Postby TampaThunder » Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:02 pm

So you're telling me that every tournament that I had classified using a customized table type - 10-table SNGs, staked tourneys, double or nothings, double shootouts, league tourneys, etc. - I will have to go back and for each one select the individual tourney, select (or create if not already an option) the table type and save it. For. Each. One???

Would have been nice if there had been a little, you know, WARNING in your notes that this would/could happen.

So I can go back and restore last night's backup and continue to use. v3.07.01. My next question would be - when will you release a fix for this (assuming it makes a difference to you)? Or am I stuck forever using v.3.07.01 unless I decide to eat the crap you're serving?

Sorry, I'm a little upset at this. Your table type selections were always very restrictive so a lot of us had to resort to workarounds to make the program work effectively for us. Now you've finally fixed it and those of us that used the workarounds are screwed and have to replicate a laborious process in order to get things back to where they should have been in the first place.
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Re: Customized Table Types Gone?

Postby WhiteRider » Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:25 pm

I will mention this thread to the development team, but if you have made custom changes to the database then we can't guarentee that updates won't affect that. The update shouldn't have affected any existing tournament types - my old tournament types weren't affected, although that may be different if you made your own database changes. What changes did you make?

If you have a backup of your database from before the update then you will be able to re-install the previous version and restore your database, but you won't safely be able to use a previous version with the updated database as the structure is different.
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Re: Customized Table Types Gone?

Postby TampaThunder » Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:49 pm

WhiteRider wrote:The update shouldn't have affected any existing tournament types - my old tournament types weren't affected, although that may be different if you made your own database changes. What changes did you make?
Thought the original post made it clear what changes I was talking about but here goes: Using the information provided in this thread I created quite a few custom table types that were unavailable in the default drop down list. For example, PokerTracker did not have table types for 10-table SNGs, double shootouts, and double or nothings - all unique tournament types that, for me, needed to be classified separately so that they could be filtered and studied separately from standard tourneys.

I had also added types for tourneys where I was staked and not using my own bankroll and had created types for the various leagues I was in so that the MTTs were differentiated.

Out of my 1610 current tourneys logged in PokerTracker I was using custom table types for at least 500 of them, if not more.

This made the program much more useful for review as specific tourney types could easily be filtered.

Now, if I am to continue using PokerTracker beyond v3.07.01 I would have to go back and redo all that creation/classification again. And, unfortunately, it can't be done in groups of tourneys - it has to be done tourney by tourney by tourney.

Nice improvement.
Last edited by TampaThunder on Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Customized Table Types Gone?

Postby TampaThunder » Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:51 pm

WhiteRider wrote:If you have a backup of your database from before the update then you will be able to re-install the previous version and restore your database, but you won't safely be able to use a previous version with the updated database as the structure is different.
I won't be restoring the database from a database backup but from a hard drive image so the database "upgrade" will never have happened.
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Re: Customized Table Types Gone?

Postby WhiteRider » Thu Jul 22, 2010 2:05 pm

Since the structure has changed it doesn't look as if these custom types can be kept, but you can certainly set the type of multiple tournaments at once. You can shift-click or control-click to select multiple tournaments and change the type of all the selected tournaments at once.
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Re: Customized Table Types Gone?

Postby WhiteRider » Fri Jul 23, 2010 7:39 am

If you restore your disk image and export your tournaments then update again and import the exported summary files it should update your tournament types.
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