I've just upgraded to v3.07.02 and have run into what I hope isn't really an issue.
I had customized quite a few tourney table types. For example, I had added 10-table SnGs as they weren't an option. Even with the update you have 5-table and 20-table but still no 10-table. I had also added a type called "staked" to cover tourneys that I had been staked to and had not used my own bankroll. In addition, I play in quite a few leagues and had added table types to differentiate between them and to ease filtering.
The update seems to have wiped all that out and my customized table types are no longer listed and all the tourneys that had been previously labeled with the customized table types have been reclassified with either standard MTT or N/A.
I hope that this is not the case but it appears that I will have to go back and redo/recreate custom table types to sort my tourneys again? And then find each applicable tourney and change the table type? This would take an incredible amount of time.
Please tell me this is not the case.