Mucked cards show

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Mucked cards show

Postby dj11 » Sat Apr 12, 2008 7:39 pm

When any hand goes to showdown, and the first player shows the winning hand, where as normally the rest may decide to muck (I always do), the mucked cards end up showing after the hand.

This goes along with those last hand cards that linger for a bit too long after the finish to a hand.
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Re: Mucked cards show

Postby Josh » Sat Apr 12, 2008 9:50 pm

Yes, this is a feature.
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Re: Mucked cards show

Postby dj11 » Sun Apr 13, 2008 1:00 pm

I will entertain all arguments. This seems to possibly cross an invisible line regarding what info is publicly available, and thus perfectly ethical to track, into a gray zone.

If I choose to muck my showdown cards in live play, I can do that even with a winning hand (chip dumping concerns). In standard online play I can muck if I do not have a winning hand, and am not the first hand to show. But with this feature I may be prevented from mucking. If I were the only player at a table using PT3, this wouldn't bother me at all, except that I think perhaps I would be getting would could easily be considered an unfair advantage in being able to see others muck cards after a showdown. If there are several using PT3 at my table, and for the most part I have no clue who will have it and won't have it, then this becomes problematic.

These are only first reactions to this issue. I hope to see a few arguments against my first reaction, as so far your stellar image in the poker community suggest well thought out development.

I hope you see what I am alluding to.

Perhaps in conjunction with this feature would be some method to note that other players at the table are using PT3

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Re: Mucked cards show

Postby klausschreiber » Sun Apr 13, 2008 1:25 pm

It isn't an unfair advantage, because everbody can see the mucked cards in the handhistory. Pokertracker can only show things, everbody can see. Also it isn't a new feature. Older trackers can show mucked cards too.
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Re: Mucked cards show

Postby dj11 » Sun Apr 13, 2008 1:30 pm

My apologies.

I see that via the instant HH available at showdown,all mucked hands at are available.

Ignore me please.
Posts: 181
Joined: Sat Jan 26, 2008 3:27 pm

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