Just downloaded free trial to see if I like this. Finally got Postgre added. That took awhile. Then the wizard was installing the HHs -- and it all froze and jammed my CPU. Is there a limit to how many HHs can be added or something? I've been trying to get this going for hours now... Very frustrated right now. Managed to stop the process thru task manager. Now what?
Started PT again. It started autoloading HHs -- a now substantially shorter list. Don't know where the rest went. Nothing in cache. I'm now afraid that the ones that were supposedly being loaded before are gone. My frustration is growing. Stopped auto. Tried wizard -- it froze again. And could not close without closing whole thing. Argggg. Now nearly 5 hours in to trying to get this started.
Processed hands are moved once they are processed so that PT3 does not need to read them again. This is normal and expected behavior. You can find your hands in the Processed Hands folder as listed on the Auto Import -> Preferences tab.
How far are you able to get in the Setup Wizard? At what point does it freeze?
Autoload is not grabbing hands either. Says unsupported database. Or some such. It froze when I tried to figure out what was going on. Many thousands of hands should be there -- but nothing. nada.
Does anyone get this freaking program to work??? Why would anyone pay actual money for this?
Tried Setup Wizard again. Loading nicely for about 40K hands. Then stopped loading, but kept running. About an hour passed from the time I started it. Kept it "running" for another 15 minutes, but nothing going on. Wouldn't stop itself. Had to close with Task Manager. Just shoot me.
Probably the easiest thing to do will be to move any remaining hand history files from the hand history folder(s) to the PokerTracker 3\Processed folder and then run PT3 again. This time the Setup Wizard shouldn't find anything to import so should complete quickly and set things up for you. Then do a Manual Import of the PokerTracker 3\Processed folder to import all of your hands. Any that were already imported won't be imported again so this won't cause any problems.