Hello, ongame network had an update and now PT3 can't find the hand histories anymore. I was playing and hands were not uploaded to PT3. Any idea how soon this will be fixed?
You likely need to change your hand history settings in PT3. On the OnGame Configuration tab, if there isn't a C:\Users\[xxx]\P5JavaClientSettings\HandHistory\ directory, make sure it is added to the list via the Add button (where [xxx] is your windows username). Then everything should work properly.
Thanks, the folder was changed to that one you just mentioned.
Another problem, I don't know if this is because of PT3 or ongame, but not all the hand histories are being detected. There are some big/small hands that are missed completely. Still, I would say like 80% hands are imported.
Are those hands being written to the hand history file? If they're being written and not importing we'll need samples to figure out what is going wrong.
Now when I had a look at the history in different form it says "CindereIIa wins $0.00", also when I look these hands from my opponent point of view it shows it correctly that he has lost the pot.
I don't have a release date for the fix yet, but I hope it won't be too long now. We have a few things to alpha-test, but if there are no major problems I expect we'll get the next Beta early this week.
After the recent update it seems like all the hands are imported but some sessions that you are trying to find are undetectable in your database. Like they don't exist. Neither the results or players within it.
Like today I had a losing session of 1700$ and all the hands were imported but I can't seem to find it from my database. It's totally missing.
HUD shows up normally though and the results seems perfect in session, but it's undetecatble in your tracker.