Intertops is a Cake skin and PokerView is an Everleaf skin - both are supported, but due to the terms and conditions of the Cake Network, you won't be able to get data on your opponents at Intertops, nor will the HUD function.
so with poker view I installed the client and poker tracker is saying that everleaf client is not installed... and it not picking up any of my hands....I try to look for the hand history in the poker view client but I can not find that opt.
I did all of the above but still get the everleaf skin does not appear to be installed. but when I ran the import is does shows that it is import, but still have the message about the detect screen
As long as the hands import and the HUD displays, that message is not a problem - it just indicates that PT3 cannot find the proper registry key that tells us where the installation is located.