by jaeh00d » Tue Apr 29, 2008 6:08 am
any ideas?[/quote]
Have you controlled that the settings are correct? Select Full Tilt in the site list and go to the "Full Tilt Configuration" tab, check the Hand History Directory. Go to a table on FTP and make sure that it's writing hand histories to this directory (or to your player subdirectory).[/quote]
the file is empty, im guessing because when i initially booted up up ftp it imported all my previous hand hisotries in the to the database. i checked the ps folder and it is empty as well so thats how i know that is not the problem. so i am assuming the HH's are sent to the folder and that automatically imported to the database then leave the folder. if i look in ps while playing there will only be like the last four of five hands inthe folder, then once they are imported they leave.
anyone else have any ideas in how to help me here?[/quote]
Well, it doesn't hurt controlling if the hand histories are saved in the folder or not. Just have that folder opened and open up a few tables on FTP, you don't even have to be playing yourself. Just make sure it's writing the hand history files to that folder. FTP doesn't move your hand history files, only PokerTracker does, also it does this at the end of the sessions and not after each hand. Just open up a table on FTP without PT3 open and check that it's correctly writing the hand history files to the folder you've set in PT3.[/quote]
ok going to try this now. ill let you know