I'm moving to PT4, and while doing it i'm also moving to PostgreSQL v9.0.6.
I would like to change the default positions of PT(unless it's different than in PT3).
Normally, I would backup the DB PT3 and restore it in PT4. Since I would like to change the default positions, which require to update the cache, I think I should do it like this instead:
a. Export my hands
b. Uninstall PostgreSQL v8(including my DB), and install v9
c. Change the default positions
d. Install PT4 and import my hands
Is this the right why to do it? Also, if I would like to still use PT3 as well, using backup and restore and then update cache should make it work?
Lastly, I I found this thread which explains how to change the default positions:
https://www.pokertracker.com/forums/vie ... 15&t=34775
Is there a different way now or should I do it like that?