Greetings all. I have looked at the PT3 schema pdf file, but I have a question about the difference between these two columns in the holdem_hand_player_statistics table. Your brief definitions are:
flg_p_open "Open raised pre-flop (True/False)"
flg_p_first_raise "Raised first pre-flop (True/False)"
The second one seems pretty clear -- I am mainly wondering about the difference between the two.
If someone limps, and as my first action pre-flop I choose to raise, does that trigger flg_p_open to be true? If someone raises, and as my first action pre-flop I choose to re-raise (3-bet), does that trigger flg_p_open to be true?
I am used to the phrase "open-limped preflop" as well. But that just means calling, and would NOT cause flg_p_open to be true?
Thanks for any response.
P.S. It would be nice to have a flg_p_open_opp (opportunity to open flag) column as well... Or rather, the broader, flg_p_firstin_opp (opportunity to vpip first preflop). Er, speaking of which, I know in PT2 vpip meant only for pre-flop... Is that the same? e.g., if the big blind gets a free look and bets the flop, he still did not vpip for that hand?