I would like to generate notes for preflop all-in hand range, but I want to exclude hands where short stackers where involved. The problem is that when I use the preflop effective stack size filter, PT4 (correctly) uses the effective stack size at the time the all-in occurs. But since usually a bet and several raises occurred before the all-in move, the preflop effective stack is not the initial stack size when the hand was dealt. Is there a way to solve this or would it be necessary to add the filter option "Pot Size & Stack Depth - Initial" to PT4? Then the effective stack size should of course only include the players who are part of the action - might also be a problem because it is retrospective.
BTW, the status dialog for the note tracker could be improved in my opinion. Right now the status says "Processed x of [total amount of hands ever played]" and below it is possible to limit the relevant time period. Why not put the time period on top and let the status say "Processed x of [total amount of hands within time period]". Just a thought, doesn't need to be commented. (for the smart people, I know that checking whether the hand was played within the specified time period is also a processing step, but not a processing of the rules defined for creating notes:-)