agression frequency including check

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agression frequency including check

Postby chrischris44 » Sun Oct 07, 2012 8:02 am

Could you create stats:

flop HM afq (including check)

turn HM afq (including check)

river HM afq (including check)

total postflop HM afq (including check)
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Re: agression frequency including check

Postby kraada » Sun Oct 07, 2012 9:15 am

These are actually fairly easy custom stats to create and I'm certain that you can manage them on your own with a little direction.

All you need to do is go into the Configure -> Statistics window in $ or T depending on what you play in the Players Stats section. Search for afq in the search bar and that will show you your various AFq stats. Click on one and click Duplicate. Go to the Definition page and change the Name to something else, change the description and title however you want (description is purely cosmetic, title appears if you use the stat in a report at the top of the column, so you can leave that the same if you want or rename it how you like). Width is how wide the column is - if you make the title longer, make it a little larger.

The real change is in the Value Expression. All you need to add is cnt_x_check to the denominator. So for example in Flop it starts as:

((cnt_f_bet + cnt_f_raise) / (cnt_f_call + cnt_f_fold + cnt_f_bet + cnt_f_raise)) * 100

and you want to change it to:

((cnt_f_bet + cnt_f_raise) / (cnt_f_call + cnt_f_fold + cnt_f_bet + cnt_f_raise + cnt_f_check)) * 100

That's it - save your stat and you're good to go. You can change the description on the Details page as well but again that's purely cosmetic.

For other streets use _t_ and _r_ - but that's all there is to do for all the streets and for total you add all three checking values.
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Re: agression frequency including check

Postby BillGatesIII » Mon Oct 08, 2012 12:51 pm

Kraada, can you explain why checks are not included in the PT4 AFq stats?
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Re: agression frequency including check

Postby kraada » Mon Oct 08, 2012 1:44 pm

Putting checks in the denominator treats them as passive actions. We do not believe that a check is a passive action in the same way that a call or a fold is - we believe a check is neutral - and the best way to handle that neutrality is to not count them one way or the other.
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Re: agression frequency including check

Postby BillGatesIII » Tue Oct 09, 2012 2:10 am

Ok. Clear. Thanks.

Just a small note. In the details of the AFq stats, checked is mentioned.

For example, a player with an AFq of 40 made a bet or raise 40% of the time he bet, raised, called, checked or folded.

And I uploaded the AFq incl. checks to the Download Warehouse.
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Re: agression frequency including check

Postby WhiteRider » Tue Oct 09, 2012 3:51 am

Thanks – I'm sure that's been mentioned before, but I will remind the development team about it and make sure that it is corrected.
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Re: agression frequency including check

Postby PeteX » Sun Nov 04, 2012 4:28 am

kraada wrote:Putting checks in the denominator treats them as passive actions. We do not believe that a check is a passive action in the same way that a call or a fold is - we believe a check is neutral - and the best way to handle that neutrality is to not count them one way or the other.
Just got a thought regarding this: I do understand that a check coming from OOP could be intended as a just a check or a check-raise, so considering check always as passive wouldn't prolly be accuarte. But what about checks in position? If everyone checks to the last player and THEN he decides to check, wouldn't you think that it would really be a passive action and not just a neutral one?
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Re: agression frequency including check

Postby kraada » Sun Nov 04, 2012 11:44 am

On the river maybe but on the flop and turn you could be checking in position in order to induce bluffs on the remaining streets.
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