Reports by stack Size

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Reports by stack Size

Postby philip77 » Tue Nov 20, 2012 6:59 pm


I am playing different stack size depending on the opponents I encountered on the table.
I wanted to know if it could be possible to build a report which shows me different stats (number of hands, My C All-In Adj, All-In Adj BB, ...) grouped by my stack size at the beginning of the hand. Of course it will have to be grouped by range of stack (0-30BB, 30-50BB, 50-70BB ... for example).

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Re: Reports by stack Size

Postby kraada » Wed Nov 21, 2012 9:27 am

Yes it is. Go to the My Reports tab and create a new Player report. Choose Preflop Stack Size as your grouping and then add whatever stats you want to it. The groupings are:

1 - Less than 2 big blinds. 2 - More than 2 but less than 5 big blinds. 3 - More than 5 but less than 10 big blinds. 4 - More than 10 but less than 15 big blinds. 5 - More than 15 but less than 20 big blinds. 6 - More than 20 but less than 30 big blinds. 7 - More than 30 but less than 40 big blinds. 8 - More than 40 but less than 50 big blinds. 9 - More than 50 but less than 75 big blinds. 10 - More than 75 but less than 100 big blinds. 11 - More than 100 but less than 125 big blinds. 12 - More than 125 but less than 150 big blinds. 13 - More than 150 but less than 200 big blinds. 14 - More than 200 but less than 250 big blinds. 15 - More than 250 but less than 300 big blinds. 16 - More than 300 big blinds.
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Re: Reports by stack Size

Postby philip77 » Wed Nov 21, 2012 12:46 pm

Thank you. It's what I wanted.
Just a detail: is it grouping by my stack size or the effective stack size?
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Re: Reports by stack Size

Postby philip77 » Wed Nov 21, 2012 1:02 pm

I have built a simple report to see how it works, and I have a problem if I choose any date earlier than 16th of August 2012. I join 2 screenshots (1. 16/08/2012 and 2. 15/08/2012). I get the same result whatever the date I choose (or if I choose "This year").
Of course the rest Of Pt4 works fine for whatever date selection (including all the other reports I have).
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Re: Reports by stack Size

Postby kraada » Wed Nov 21, 2012 7:10 pm

Try adding a simple filter for something like VPIP in the earlier date range where you get the error - does that fix it?
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Re: Reports by stack Size

Postby philip77 » Thu Nov 22, 2012 7:54 am

I insert the filter "VPIP >=10" but I still have the same error.
I have try the between date filter, and I get the report correct if I use any date up to 17/07/2012. For example from 01/01/2012 to 17/07/2012 is correct, but 01/01/2012 to 18/07/2012 give me the error.

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Re: Reports by stack Size

Postby WhiteRider » Thu Nov 22, 2012 9:05 am

That suggests that you probably have one or more hands where the big blind amount is recorded as zero.

*** Before you do anything else, MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR DATABASE using File > Backup. ***

Please save the attached .pt4rpt file to your computer and then go to the My Reports tab in PT4.
Click the grey disk icon and choose "Import" - see the attached screenshot.
Select the file that you just saved.

The report will run automatically when it is imported.
This should show you any sessions which have a zero big blind size.
(If the report is empty, please let me know.)

If it lists any sessions, check that you have the original hand history files for those sessions.
By default these will have been moved to the 'Processed' folder, which you can find via File > Open User Data Folder from the PT4 menu, although you may have them archived somewhere else if you imported them into PT4 using 'Get Hands From Disk' rather than while playing.

If you don't have the original hand history files be sure to export the relevant sessions before proceeding. (Database > Export)


We will now remove the sessions with the zero blinds, before re-importing them.
From the PT4 menu choose Database > Purge Hands.
Select the sessions listed in the report you just imported (shift-click or control-click to select multiple sessions) and click 'Purge Session(s)'.
This may take a little time if there were many sessions, although hopefully there would only be a small number.

Try the custom which was giving you the error again now - be sure to click 'Refresh'.
Does it display OK now?
If not, let me know.

If the custom report works now, try re-importing the affected sessions from the original (or exported) hand histories, using 'Get Hands From Disk'.
If that re-introduces the problem, attach the hand history files you imported to a Support Ticket with a link to this thread so that I can investigate.
Zero BB - By
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Re: Reports by stack Size

Postby philip77 » Thu Nov 22, 2012 11:34 am

Thank you.
I think you are on the right path. I've done what you tell me, and effectively I found 5 hands with a 0 BB (and and 0 stake also). I purged them (it won't be possible to try to re-import them , though, because I just had a big computer problem, and the only thing I could save was a Database Backup of last week).
But I still have a similar problem. Now the problem look like it is located in beginning of July (see attachment) , because I got the error message if I include that period. (August is fine now).

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Re: Reports by stack Size

Postby WhiteRider » Thu Nov 22, 2012 12:07 pm

That error is still showing divide by zero - is my custom report not showing you any more sessions?

FWIW, if you export before you purge, you can re-import from the exported files. It is possible that there is an error in the HH text, but we may be able to fix that.
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Re: Reports by stack Size

Postby philip77 » Thu Nov 22, 2012 6:25 pm

Your report does no show any more session.
Probably something else =0.
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