by prajna » Thu May 15, 2008 12:36 pm
PT3 can only get what information is available in the hand histories written to file. It cannot assume what payouts are, or what the buy in is unless it is written in your hand history. For instance - I play on pokerstars primarily, and though it can tell what the buy in for the tourney was (its written into my hand history), it does not tell what the payouts are, or who won what. I have to request this information directly from pokerstars via the requests menu. They email me, and then I have pokertracker manually import these results into my database.
Now, I don't play iPoker, so I cannot help you on that directly, but maybe my experiences on stars can help. Maybe someone who does play on iPoker knows how to do this as well and can post their way of doing it here for you.
~ Thomas
[Pokertracker support]