Hi guys,
something crazy happened two days ago, after starting the pokerstars.exe and joining the tables I noticed huge changes in my PS-software, black tables, 2 color deck, animations, all that shit.
I thought "yeah, well done PS, nais update" and changed everything back to normal 1-tabling NL10. I googled a little bit and found out that this can happen when you close the PS-software over the taskmanager what I haven't done.
I started PTv3.14.5 few minutes ago and I almost lost my shit because my selfmade PT3 hud is just gone...
Shouldnt it be in here? Why is there a new layout in it? -.-
I cant find the HUD somewhere else or remember the name I've given it years ago... I'm clueless, please help what must I search to find a backup or something else on my PC.
I'm totally fucked without my HUD guys, big thanks to jokerstars for that...
Regards and thanks a lot for every helpful idea!