Select the hand that matches...

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Select the hand that matches...

Postby QTip » Thu Sep 05, 2013 1:01 am

Is this matching message coming from PT4?


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Re: Select the hand that matches...

Postby WhiteRider » Thu Sep 05, 2013 4:01 am

Yes. In some cases PT4 can't identify the correct table window when the window titles aren't completely unique. This applies to a few tables from the Winning Network where their window names don't match the hand history names exactly. Click "Matches" on the table which has the correct player list, last hand number, etc. You can use the left/right arrows to switch to the alternative histories to find the right hand history for the table.
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Re: Select the hand that matches...

Postby WhiteRider » Thu Sep 05, 2013 4:33 am

I have been reminded that we should now handle all cases of Winning Network table names, so if you're not using v4.09.1 please update and the table selection mechanism should no longer be necessary.

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Re: Select the hand that matches...

Postby QTip » Thu Sep 05, 2013 8:42 am

OK, thanks. However, I am running v4.09.1. I've not updated to the alpha yet, though. I'll try that.
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Re: Select the hand that matches...

Postby WhiteRider » Thu Sep 05, 2013 11:14 am

If you're seeing this in v4.09.1 please enable logging (Configure > Options) and restart PT4. Next time you see it happen take another screenshot and attach it to a Support Ticket along with the PokerTracker4.log file from C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\PokerTracker 4\ (which you can access from the PT4 File menu) and the hand history files.
Since the hand history files aren't named well, feel free to compress all of the HH files from the appropriate time - these are the .phh and .dhh files which will be moved to the Processed folder when you stop the import, and you can access that via the menu File > Open User Data Folder.

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Re: Select the hand that matches...

Postby Abkm » Mon Nov 04, 2013 7:16 am


I have the some "problem" as above and it is bothering me. I have no time to choose the right table, plus I don't see the flop. How can I eliminate this popup window?

I'm playing in Titan Poker (iPoker).

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Re: Select the hand that matches...

Postby kraada » Mon Nov 04, 2013 10:12 am

We do the best we can with the information available. If you're not running 4.10.5 though please do upgrade as that may help.

You can disable the table selector completely via Hud -> Edit Hud Options -> Advanced and unticking "Allow Table Selection Tool to Appear When Necessary". However, if this is turned off you won't get the HUD on tables we don't automatically detect.
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Re: Select the hand that matches...

Postby Abkm » Wed Nov 06, 2013 7:40 am

Thanks for your answer, I have the newest version of PT (4.10.5) but it doesn't help me. The problem is still the same, and I cannot focus properly on my game!

When I'm playing MTT the HUD is working properly, but when I'm playing Dirty Dozen (12 players, 2*6 max tables) and they take me an other table or I lose one, the windows always popup!

Do you have any other idea to solve this situation?

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Re: Select the hand that matches...

Postby kraada » Wed Nov 06, 2013 9:08 am

Please enable logging (Configure > Options) and restart PT4. Next time you see it happen take another screenshot and attach it to a Support Ticket along with the PokerTracker4.log file from C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\PokerTracker 4\ (which you can access from the PT4 File menu) and the hand history files. Since the hand history files aren't named well, feel free to compress all of the HH files from the appropriate time - these are the .phh and .dhh files which will be moved to the Processed folder when you stop the import, and you can access that via the menu File > Open User Data Folder.

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Re: Select the hand that matches...

Postby gzp74 » Sun Mar 09, 2014 7:16 pm


At first, sorry for my english.

Tell me how should I use PT4 when I have so tournament where the software (table select) cant recognize the table? By me, this problem are with multi-entriy tournaments on Ipoker (like Sunday Prime with 4 entries).
I updated my PT3 to PT4 2 weeks ago. My PT4's version : 4.10.9. This is the 2th sunday with session, that I had problem with these tournaments. On last sunday I find this topic, I read, I know what is the problem now (not unique table names).

But I dont know what is the method (during session) what I have to do to help the table select. I tried click fast enought on matches if I saw a popup window. Later I wasnt fast enought or I dont know, but I couldn't close the popup window with click on "maches". Sometimes I saw there "table 1 of 2" where I could switch between 2 hands, what is it? I tried to pull the window to other table with problem, but I couldnt. Anyway, can you write the procedure what I have to do or give me any link where I can read about this function more?

I will be crazy that I cant use the PT4 during session where I play multi entry tournaments.
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