Explanation of all stats listed under players while playing

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Explanation of all stats listed under players while playing

Postby Seacrestbet » Thu Mar 20, 2014 6:51 pm

Hello,I am new to poker tracker and can some one please tell me how I can get to a tutorial of the explnation of all the statisitics that pop up when you click on the application while playing poker?
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Re: Explanation of all stats listed under players while play

Postby WhiteRider » Fri Mar 21, 2014 4:00 am

Since you're new to PokerTracker I assume you're using PT4 (although you posted in the PT3 section). You can see what each stat is in the tooltip if you hover the mouse over it in the Hud, or by looking in the Hud Editor (Hud > Edit Hud Profiles).

You can see exactly how each stat is defined by going to Configure > Statistics. Select the appropriate game type (cash or tournament) and look at the "Player" section for stats which are used in the Hud. You can type in the Search field to find specific stats more quickly.
If there's anything specific that you don't understand please ask.

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