Tourney Net Won

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Tourney Net Won

Postby frankx99 » Sun May 18, 2008 8:48 pm

How can I get an accurate number for tourney net won? After converting a PT2 database to PT3 the total is way off. I have played thousands of tourneys at a few different sites. What is the best way to accomplish this?
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Re: Tourney Net Won

Postby prajna » Mon May 19, 2008 2:23 am

This maybe because tourney finishes and amounts won are incorrect. Please make sure you see winnings to begin with. If so, then double check he winnings are correct. If not, please reimport your tourney summaries.

~ Thomas
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Re: Tourney Net Won

Postby frankx99 » Mon May 19, 2008 5:24 am

Tourney finishes and amounts are correct to the penny in PT2. I do see winnings when I convert to PT3, but it seems that PT3 did not get all of the winnings, actually most of them did not make it over. When you say "reimport your tournament summaries" do you meant to export my tournament hand histories to a file and then import them into PT3. That is how I imported the PT2 database. I do not have saved tournament summaries. I edited the results for most tourneys in PT2, except for PokerStars which I used auto email, but did not keep the summaries after doing so. Cash games came across fine, why are tourneys not?
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Re: Tourney Net Won

Postby frankx99 » Mon May 19, 2008 6:51 am

BTW, I did get an exp error file generated when I exported the files to a directory.
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Re: Tourney Net Won

Postby kraada » Mon May 19, 2008 11:39 am

Could you please create a support ticket referencing this thread that includes the error and the file that generates this error? It would help us to better diagnose and resolve your issue.
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