888 Same tournament seperate graph issue

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888 Same tournament seperate graph issue

Postby TheRealStizz » Thu Jan 08, 2015 2:03 pm

I play a lot of the 20 max 4-man KO nitro on 888 and it seems that PT4 splits the tournaments into 2 or even 3 different brackets as if they aren’t the same. Would really appreciate some help because on one side it says I have an ROI of 100% and another -110%!!

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Re: 888 Same tournament seperate graph issue

Postby WhiteRider » Thu Jan 08, 2015 4:04 pm

If you have tournaments of the same type which are detected differently please attach a few examples (include both hand history and summary files) to a Support Ticket and tell us what type they should actually be.

By default the original hand history files will have been moved to the Processed folder, which you can access via File > Open User Data Folder in the PT4 menu.
You can compress the files to make a single attachment.
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