Filters not working: # of players at table

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Filters not working: # of players at table

Postby paulee » Mon May 19, 2008 5:40 pm

Per subject:

I have a Filter with the following arguments:

Played since 2008/4/1
Sites PS/FTP

Result: 274 sessions, amount won $4583

When I add the argument:
With 2 players (to filter for HU tables)

Result: 274 sessions, amount won $4583 (No Change!)

When I flip the argument to read NOT (3-10 players) it still has

274 sessions, amount won $4583 (Still no change)

The filters are not grouped, but I did TRY to group them with the AND parameter, but NO Change.

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Re: Filters not working: # of players at table

Postby paulee » Mon May 19, 2008 5:43 pm

Adding an observation: When I go to Graphs tab, the graph changes to an amount that appears to be filtered correctly.

However when I go back to General or Sessions tabs, the overall result seems wrong.

I refreshed a few times, no help.
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Re: Filters not working: # of players at table

Postby Josh » Mon May 19, 2008 6:05 pm

Filters that will remove individual hands will not affect reports that show session information.
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Re: Filters not working: # of players at table

Postby jgr5027 » Tue May 20, 2008 3:33 am

This exactly problem is happening with me.
when i set the filter to see lets say, all of today's sessions so for the date 5/20/08, it doesnt change anything in the general tab like it used to in PT2. the only way total winnings shows up is under the positions tab and the graphing of the sessions.
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Re: Filters not working: # of players at table

Postby bromstar » Thu May 29, 2008 3:21 pm

I have the same problem - I have only added one filter "hands since date" and i get different results for general/sessions/winnings, hands and positions/graph. They all use the same filter but all three groups are displaying a different number of hands. Since they really display another number of hands there seems to be a 'feature' in the filterfunction ;) I also added some pictures hope that they can help during the bugsearch.



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