by MrHorse » Wed Jul 29, 2015 5:09 am
I recently started using Pokertracker 4. I am using it for Spin & Go's. I have played around 300 matches and I noticed that in my graph, the total amount of chips won is 26665. So that means, that some hands are missing. Because as it's a SNG, you have to end the game winning 1000 chips or losing 500. Sometimes when I am playing, suddenly PT4 pops a window saying something around the lines of "You have reached the maximum amount of allowed observed hands, PT4 will stop tracking, but only the hands you are observing and are not playing in". This has happened multiple times, but I never had any tables open on which I am not included. Another thing I have noticed is that when I close PT4 while it's still in the process of importing hands, it say: Tournaments imported from Pokerstars may require detection. Would you like to run detection now? But I sometimes clicked no on that. Is there a way to fix this? I am being staked so I need the exact results. Pokerstars only allowed me to import the hands of the last week or the last 200 tournaments.